So I reached Bree and am continuing onwards, working on the medal of The Fellowship now. I have decided to slip in some indoor cycling as well. Not to let the distance pass by faster, though it certainly does, but because I think cycling is a good exercise too.
On my first cycling try, I kept to a resistance of 2 (out of 10) and 60 RPM and I reached 6K in 30 minutes. On my second cycling try (which was Saturday) I used both resistance 2 as well as 3 after a bit and my RPM were a tad higher, hanging between 60 and 70, because of which I reached 10K in 30 minutes.
I also did some walks this weekend, a short one of not even 2K (forgot to record the route back) on Saturday and a longer one of 2 times 2K to go pick up some locally grown fruit, veggies, eggs and flowers. I should pick up the walking again, but the weather was not kind the past week.
So I actually did not do anything the past week though, suffering too much from the heat and a headache. I had tried to incorporate some abs-exercises 2 weeks ago and apparently that is too heavy / hard on my neck, because of which I get a serious headache which doesn't leave for days. I have reviewed my abs-exercises now and have switched and changed them to exercises which should not be too heavy on my neck. Do have a headache at the moment, but that is (I think) because of the way I hung / laid on the couch all the afternoon yesterday. Anyhow, not sure yet if I'll hold with the abs-exercises again until my headache is fully gone or continue with them.
Fingers crossed that I'll be able to walk / cycle a bit more again and that the weather lets up a bit.
Cheers, Evy