★★Hello A10 Graduates !★★
They’re here! Our badges have arrived!
Yes, ready for a fantastic 2024 of walking, we finally have reinstated some new shiny badges early, here on our A10 Forum! Thank you to all who chipped in to our poll recently, we’ve been carving out the badges and finally they’re ready! (All virtual badges, I fear, but denoting your amazing achievements, nevertheless) So here’s your chance to get an early order in!
Congratulations, Walking Superstars!
Here is where you can request your badge!
We will try not to leave you waiting too long - we know those cute little grey smudges behind your name are as valued as the shiniest medals out there!
Please note that these are virtual badges which can be seen next to your name on your posts on the A10 community, but NOT on your profile page. Although similar to, they are independent from the badges in the A10 App.
So please leave a comment here by reply so that we can award you your well-deserved badge! Just let us know what goals you have achieved and which badge you want, and tell us about your walking journey! We have the following badges, and definitions are provided below:
Walked 1000mile year
Walked 10k
Walked 21k
Walked 42k
Walked 5k
Walked 2k
Walked 1k
A10min a day
A20min a day
A30min a day
A60min a day
A90min a day
A120min a day
★ Walked 1000mile year : if you have completed the #Walk1000mile challenge or walk more than 1000 miles per year
★ Walked 42k/21k/10k/5k/2k/1k : If you have completed at least once one of the distances given on one continuous walk
★ A10min a day / A20min a day / A30min a day / A60min a day / A90min a day / A120min a day : If you regularly (at least 3 times per week) briskly walk the amount of minutes, just like it is measured by our A10 app, defined as “Minutes of Brisk Walking” or “x times Active 10”
Many Congratulations and a huge Well Done!!!!!
The A10 Team
Want to plan for the next badge?
★ We hope you will continue posting here in the A10 community, sharing your experience with our members and updating us with your progress. And to get a first sense on how walking improves your life, have a read of this post: healthunlocked.com/active10...
★ Be sure to check out our topic/theme folders to keep you motivated at healthunlocked.com/active10...
★ Just in case you have popped in before heading to our core NHS A10 app, you can download the NHS A10 app from nhs.uk/live-well/exercise/r...
Happy walking, everyone!