Wife was going to have lunch with former coworkers in a busy area with a lot of restaurants frequented by tech workers. “Where are you going to park?”, I asked. She replied, “In the city-owned garage nearby.” I said that finding a spot in that garage was going to be hard and that she should park on the street a few blocks away. Her answer, “I don’t feel comfortable walking by myself.” I offered to drop her at the restaurant and pick her up again when she was ready. I parked half a mile away, got my steps in and managed to find a quick, decent lunch.
74 brisk minutes, Tuesday, 6 March: Wife was going... - Active 10
74 brisk minutes, Tuesday, 6 March

Well done svgeeks - you got your steps in AND made your wife feel precious! A good day for yous!

kay50, I do try but often a most innocuous remark gets me in trouble. Life!
What a gentleman, great that you got your steps in as well.
I occasionally ask my wife if my “thoughtfulness or good deeds” would ever make up for the “past sins”, the reply is not in the affirmative.
We all make mistakes, svgeeks! As long as you learn from them forgive yourself.....
You have the best ways of sneaking extra walks in. I love it. You must be a fast eater as well
I do eat more quickly than I should. However, I only ate one half of my meal (The Miss Jones from asianbox.com/menu/ ) yesterday and brought the rest home.
sorry to be nosy but I am puzzled as to why your wife can’t walk a short distance by herself.