If your looking at this forum wondering if it is for you then let me share a bit about me an why it is good to have support.
I was a runner, swimmer and walker, but this year it all changed. I donated a kidney to my husband and part of the process is that they cut through my stomach muscles. This left me for a while finding it difficult walking confidently.
I came home from the hospital a little scared and vulnerable. My first walk outside was scary but I was lucky as I had support on here. This forum is all about getting you out the door. All the admins on here have been in that vulnerable position that some of you are in, we understand that sometimes that first step out the door is the hardest and we are committed to helping you take your first steps.
We have been there and we really do understand, we will hold your hands through your journey because we really do not want any one to go through it on their own.
Happy healthy walking New Year to you all.
Rfc x.