Thank you all so much, but it may hav... - Mental Health Sup...

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Thank you all so much, but it may have been the tumour?

Dani17 profile image
6 Replies

Hello all, I haven't been online for a long time so i understand if some one the people that i used to speak to are unavailable. However, I would like to update, not that it was asked for haha. Recently i had a brain tumor removed and whilst discussing the use of the brain with my counselor i observed that (with it being on the left side) the tumor could have been messing up my emotios and making me feel tired, depressed and anxious. Naturally, with my homelife being very unstable i, my family and doctors, jumped to depression and anxiey. What do you guys think? would tthat have been possible?

So i say, even though home is still dodgy and i should b of to uni soon maybe it isnt depression after all?? As i do feel somewhat better i think? before the operation i accepted that it could go wrong and that I could die and of course i didn't so perhaps i am feeling the weight lifted from that?

Regardless, i would like to thank everyone who provided me with advice and listened to me when needed and i wish them the best in life, i realy do.

Ps. sorry my speeling is aweful and my typing got Lazy near the end.

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Dani17 profile image
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6 Replies
Celtic27 profile image

Hi dandi you could be right as is may be the brain tumour that was causing a chemical imbalance or at least the symptoms of depression the only person that could answer your question would be your neurologist i wish you good luck hope everything keeps well david

Dani17 profile image
Dani17 in reply to Celtic27

Thank you David!! Yeah i had an apointment today and it was found to all have been benign which is brilliant :D

Wish you well, Dani

linlow profile image

Your analysis may well be correct: - ... commonly observed ... One fourth of all brain tumor afflicted patients suffer from phases of major depression. - A woman who was thought to have treatment-resistant depression was later found to have a tumour in her brain.... - psychiatric symptoms may be the only manifestation of brain tumors. ....It was also noted that depression was more commonly found in frontal lobe tumors[8-10]. More specifically left frontal lobe tumors were more frequently associated with depression...

Look into turmeric as a therapy to aid your recovery. Turmeric is more and more being used as an adjunct therapy in the treatment of cancer. It can help restore nerves and brain cells. This link refers to stroke but the principle is sort of the same

Good luck with Uni and best wishes for a bright future

Dani17 profile image
Dani17 in reply to linlow

This is fantastic thank you very much :D

Please take care and be well,

Danielle x

Just having a brain tumour or any illness that limits ones abilities could cause depression , after having your op you hopefully will not feel the dread of what could happen or what may have happened ! I have several medical problems as well as having PTSD and I am sure my anxiety and depression are caused partly because of them. I am so happy to hear of a good outcome for a change, dont worry about the spelling or being tired after a brain op that is to be expected ! Do not try to do too much too quickly or you may start feeling depressed again, Good luck at UNI honestly dont try to hard ,do what you can but once you start to feel tired or you are overdoing things slow down or stop ,otherwise you will start to get depressed again because you dont feel you are doing enough ! I only say this because after I had my stroke I ended up depressed because simple things I used to do I could no longer do I had to learn all over again. Take things slowly and it will all come together! All the best derek

Dani17 profile image
Dani17 in reply to

Derek, thank you so much for your wonderful advice. Advice that i intend to follow and respect!

Glad to hear that things are getting better for you and i hope that they continue to do so.

Please be well Derek, best wishes to you also,

Danielle x

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