Feels different: Many members here... - Mental Health Sup...

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Feels different

11 Replies

Many members here, especially the older ones feel things have changed on this site. Many seniors here of course write on different groups that are associated on Healthunlocked. as we all can suffer different conditions that have caused Depression and Anxiety.

Our lives seem to change and sometimes these needs move on as well. It would be sad that the oldies move on as they have a great deal of experience and understanding to those who are younger and also need that input.

Many on this site also have made friendships and look towards those to help them, and give support so there is no need for these members, old and new to leave the site. as they can always chip in and give a help and encouragement to a confused and possibly younger member who is looking for assistance in an uncaring society who still looks onto mental illness as a weakness and have no understanding. So it us up to us oldies to give support

It would be sad if people on site feel they need to leave because of changes as changes are part of life. personally I feel we are put on this earth to learn and help others on their journey through depression and associated illnesses. We all have the private messages section when we need to chat with people we know on here. That gives relief of a very nasty illness. That in turn acts as a safety valve for many with this mental illness.


11 Replies
celtic2746 profile image

hi bob again you make sense there is a place for young and old alike on here ! i feel its a great idea for the older members to pass on there experiences of mental illness to younger members so they can better understand hope is out there to getting better and to help stop the stigma attached to depression ! thank you for a great post bob take care. david !

Stilltrying_ profile image

I'm still around Bob. And yes its nice for us all to stay around, not seperate out into different groups ; as you say we have PM and can use it. I'm always grateful that this is a FREE resource offered by Health Unlocked on behalf of Action on Depression. ThoughAOD is a Scotland based charity we are universally allowed access to the forum and there are people in many different parts of the country and people abroad like the USA and India ; we are so lucky to have this resource. I do welcome old and young alike; sometimes I find it difficult when very new people can post only once and then not stay around but I appreciate it is their perogative to do so. I like the continuity of people who post up reasonably regularly; that's just me.

I hold people in mind and notice whenever they post or contribute and also when they don't I still hold them in mind. It's a really good support for me.

Gemma X

in reply to Stilltrying_

Hello Gemma

We Oldies always know where we are and there is no reason why we cannot contact each other through PM and I would hope that if anyone wanted to contact me in that way I would be more than happy to do that with all on this site if the need arises especially when we old ones have chatted so regular over the last two years or so.


HI Bob I agree 100% with you. But if someone is no longer depressed and being on the site is dragging them down then I can understand why they leave. We have new members joining all the time - some young and some older so I still see this as a very viable site which I am glad to belong too. I hope you and everyone does too.

Bev xx

in reply to

Hello Bev

Yes I agree with you and we all seem to gain strength from being on here helping other people who are treading heavily through this nasty condition.

Also I understand why people may feel the need too leave. Some sufferers conditions are Chronic and not acute like many on here.

From Twelve months ago I was considering leaving this site, and glad too say I reconsidered.

When i am ill with my Chronic Conditions my NHS work takes a hit, so to come on here makes me feel I am able to assist those who require a listening ear


Dens profile image

Well I'm glad all of you are on the site regardless of age and level of suffering. This past month my husband has noticed such a difference in me. He knows that I am listening to advice and benefiting from it and also I enjoy sharing with you how I feel even though it may not be relevant to a thread, you listen, respond, give sound advice, laughter, offer help all that is so, so important. I try to offer funny snippets as well as advice though my experiences. I hope I make a different as you all do in my life, thank you my new family xxxx Dens

in reply to Dens

I am glad you came on here Dens as I think you are lovely and in your short time have added a lot to the site. So pleased you found us. We are a little family aren't we? Not the family foisted on us but ones WE have chosen. Hugs

Bev xxx

Dens profile image
Dens in reply to

True, our family of choice xxx Dens

Dens profile image
Dens in reply to Dens

ps. and thank you for your kind words Bev xxxx Dens

in reply to Dens

Hello Dens

Glad to know we do make a difference on here, as to help others here, helps us as we


Dens profile image
Dens in reply to

It does I promise you. I am lighter in spirit and enjoy opening up to see what's been going on

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