I think its time to say goodbye... - Mental Health Sup...

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I think its time to say goodbye...

Lush__x profile image
11 Replies

I think the time has come for me to say goodbye to my beautiful boy :(

Hes not going to get better and now hes not eating anything and hes just gone...hes just exsiting. Theres no life in him, and i hate to see him like this.

I started crying and as soon as i did, my mum did too...i said hes not going to be here for much longer now is he? and she said no.

I feel very uncomfortable when my mum is upset, i almost feel annoyed. I just cant deal with it and i cant be a comfort to her. Ive come in the bathroom to type this and locked the door, i just want to be on my own but i feel awful as i know my mum is as upset as me.

I wont be able to watch him being buried, i wont be able to see him when hes dead. I cant even believe im typing those words. How am i going to be able to survive without him? 18 years of my life. my mum will have to do it on her own and i feel horrible for that but i cant see him dead.

I cant believe this is happening all of a sudden, this time last week my boy was fine. i have pics from 2 weeks ago sat out in the garden with him in the sun and he was so happy and loving. Thats gone now.

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Lush__x profile image
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11 Replies
Gambit62 profile image

Really feel for you.

Don't feel bad about it - you have done the really, really hard bit which is making the decision.

Gambit62 profile image
Gambit62 in reply to Gambit62

Wanted to add - after my first cat died I felt that I shouldn't have another one for various reasons and don't think that did me any good because I missed him so much. Don't feel pressured either way but go with your heart. On the whole I think Perry wanted me to have another cat after him - they are all different but it can be so much a part of your life. Quite obviously I did get another cat - 2 in fact that a friend needed to find homes for ... and then when I was living away the next year I couldn't face not having a cat at all so ended up with a little kitten.

Think I also found it difficult to come to terms with Perry being gone because I wasn't there - mum had to have him put down whilst I was away. With my last cat I wasn't able to be there because I wasn't expecting him to have to be euthanised and found that rather difficult ... that's the only occasion where I've asked for the ashes back - they are still sitting upstairs and I still talk to him occasionally - crazy lady :)

When you feel ready it would be good to hear some of your favourite memories.

Photogeek profile image

Zoe I am so so sorry for you . I know exactly how you feel my poor little

Shazza stopped eating too just like that and was dead within the week. I still

Get upset and cry. It's heartbreaking and don't stop yourself crying, when you are ready give your Mum a hug and that will be enough. She too is upset and at least you have

Each other to comfort.

You had your darling boy for so long and remember he was loved and that's a

Long life for a cat.

You will just have to go through the grieving process as I did and will again too

I'm sure that's hard.

Remember we will all be here for you any time . I will go now and say a little prayer

For you All for strength to get through this

Zoe I am in tears now thinking of your poor boy.

Lots of love and hugs


Photogeek profile image

Zoe if it's not too late please try and hold him in your arms when he

Is being put to sleep. I did this and I think it helped me later. But do whatever

You can.

Everyone is different in how they react .

Hannah xx

caninecrazy profile image

I feel for you lush-x, I too had to make that heart wrenching decision in 2008 when I lost both of my dear old loyal dogs within months of each other. I did the same as Hannah and held them both in my arms, I needed to say goodbye. have you read "rainbow bridge" poem,its lovely and it gives me comfort.

sending you a hug, hes certainly lived life to the full reaching the grand age of 18 x

Photogeek profile image
Photogeek in reply to caninecrazy

I love that Rainbow bridge Poem.

jules2105 profile image

Hi Lush, I know exactly how you feel. We had to make the horrible decision to have our cat put down earlier in the year. It was so sad seeing her waste away, but I know it was the right decision and that she had a lovely life with us. I would recommend that you read up on the internet what happens when you have a cat put down, we stayed with her to reassure her everything would be ok. I sobbed from the moment we made the decision to have her put down until the appointment the following day. It was quick and peaceful, the vets explained what would happen and gave us time with her afterwards to say goodbye. We decided to have our cat cremated and have her in a wooden cask by the front door, so I can say hello to her everyday - it may sound silly but I really loved her so can understand how you feel right now. I didn't think I'd be brave enough to go to the vets, but if you can then I would recommend that you go, it will help with the grieving process but if you can't don't be too hard on yourself. This is an upsetting time and everyone reacts differently. Give your mum a hug and you will get through this together.

Thinking of you at this sad time Jules xx

Suzie40 profile image

That's really sad Zoe and I hope you're ok x

Jeffju profile image

So sad to hear this but I do agree with photogeek. We had to have our 18 year old very handsome cat put down as , like your cat, he had stopped eating and was in a very sad state. I wasn't going to go in with him but at the last moment couldn't think of him passing on his own in case he was frightened. So, after a big hug, I stroked him whilst the vet did the deed and our man passed so peacefully, it was beautiful. It was hard but I have never regretted being with him at the last. Hugs to you , Love Julie xx


I'm sorry to hear your sad news and hope the end is or was peaceful. Loss is an inevitable part of loving but it still hurts.


Adorable1 profile image

So so sorry to hear this. A few weeks ago Our lovely cat didn't come home one night it was unusual for her, we went looking for her and eventually found her behind a fence she had died, I cannot tell you how bad that felt..she was lovely and only 4 years old...the sadness I felt was immense...I just wanted to say my thoughts are with you.

Sending you a hug

Sue xxx

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