Hello, I was wondering if anyone has had the side effects of coming off the depot provera shot like I have and was wondering how long it took your hormones to level out? I'm 39 years old and had been on the shot for 20 years with 3 breaks in between. My last shot was in March of last year and about 4 months after my breast became very tender and swollen. The tenderness has been on going for 8 months straight now, my first cycle started on January 31st 10 months after my last shot. I have spent more time on my cycle the past 2 months then off. My estradiol level is very high at 415 and progesterone still very low. I do have hashimoto's but not at a point yet to were I have to take thyroid medication as those levels are all still in normal range. TPO and thyroglubin levels fluctuate anywhere from 68-255 and the high 255 is where I'm currently at. Hasn't been this high in about 4 years. I also have gilberts syndrome. So just curious if there is anyone that can give me some insight. I am currently using rowe casa 's e-balance and p-boost oils to see if that will help. Thank you for any feed back you may have.
Coming off long-term depo provera use and h... - Women's Health
Coming off long-term depo provera use and have Hashimoto's and Gilbert syndrome

Hi, i was on the depo provera for 10 years before i decided to come of it summer of 2023. I don't recall having any side effects, but i didn't have a period for about 8 months, and then when i did it was very up & down. Long, periods lasting 2 weeks, a break of 2/3 days and then bleeding again. Heavy, light, spotting. A mixture. Although i am 50 this year, so im not quite sure what is normal for me anymore. And for the past 3 months, ive had no period, just spotting/dishcharge.
Thank you so much for the response. That is exactly how my cycle is .I had read an article that said it could take up to 24 months for everything to straighten out. But nothing about breast tenderness lasting as long as it has. I know its because my estradiol levels are way high but no one else seems to have had this problem coming off the depot shot. My hormones are tested annually and progesterone has always been low due to the shot and estradiol was always in normal range. Now after I started my first cycle it shot up there and like you said heavy period for 2 weeks. Light for a week. A break for 3 days then here it goes again. But again thank you for your response that helps me to know that this is probably normal for now then. 🙂