Hello, please read my other posts if you want context to my experience as a rape survivor.
I decided I want to give advice to others out there with what I learned from OBGYN visits, PCP visits, and just my own experience with trying to stay healthy as a woman who has been raped. I also will include what I have done to get my story heard.
Wear 100% cotton underwear: it's more sanitary since it's breathable fabric and allows more air in the private area which has a lot of moisture.
Wash with Dove Beauty Bar: the dark blue and white bar of soap from Dove is pH neutral and is gentle and effectively cleans the body.
Drink/Eat yogurt: yogurts have probiotics in them and Greek yogurt, Kefir, and Icelandic yogurts with live and active cultures have different probiotic strains in them which can help balance your flora and bacteria. There are a lot of brands. It's best to consume plain and unsweetened.
Drinking 100% cranberry juice: the juice from cranberry concentrate keeps unwanted bacteria from sticking. It helps prevent UTIs.
Wash hands regularly: wash your hands with soap and warm water for 30 seconds or more. I wash my hands BEFORE and AFTER using the toilet. This helps spread germs.
How to wipe: it's best to wipe with toilet paper from the front to the back and then discard toilet paper. This prevents feces from getting into your vagina.
Drinking a lot of water: water cleanses the system of wastes and keeps your skin moisturized.
Showering with filtered water: it's a good idea to get a household water filtration system which takes out heavy metals and other pathogens in the water which you use to shower and wash your hands to stay clean.
Lastly, also talk to your doctor about a blood and urine full panel test to screen for STDs. Even a women's well check such as a vaginal exam to check for STDs. Another recommendation is to talk to a psychologist or therapist about your experience. These final steps have taken me YEARS to do because of lack of knowledge on where to get help.
I hope sharing this information helps you and improves your life.