Hello ladies please has anyone had any recent surgery for prolapse? What is used instead of mesh? I read some scary stuff about vaginal tape which is still mesh only narrower so mesh by a different name! Does anyone know what they use now in 2021 please?
What's used for prolaspe instead of mesh in... - Women's Health
What's used for prolaspe instead of mesh in 2021

Hi Poppycat999, I was one of the women that unfortunately had mesh fitted, back in 2015. I had some of it removed in 2017 as its caused me a lot of problems (chronic pain, nerve damage etc). When they removed it they gave me a burch colposuspension, which is what they used to offer before mesh. As a procedure it costs more for the hospital to do (theatre time and longer hospital stay) which is why they changed to mesh. I'd definitely recommend looking into having a burch colposuspension - it's been great for me and thousands of others. I hope that helps!
I should add that the mesh I had was fitted during prolapse surgery, for stress incontinence. I was told I wasn't having mesh - they said it was tvt-o, which they described as a sling. Tvt, tot and tvt-o I now know are all polypropylene mesh - just fit in different ways. I really wish I'd known before surgery, I'd have run a mile.
Thankyou so much Country Bumpkin l have prolaspse of I'm not sure as still waiting to see a gynecologist! Think its uterus and maybe rectocele and some front bulging or vaginal wall basically I'm not exactly sure. My problem is mainly difficulties with bowels not my bladder at all. I take cosmocol sachets to make stools less bulky and softer l now have bloating and excessive wind so much l could perhaps fly a little!! I take vagifem twice weekly l had late perimenopause 57 now having a final small period I'm 59 now. Worried it could be fibroids need to get checked out. Sending me to Ramsay Hospital soon Exeter too busy. I google alot found out TVT is the mesh theres photos of it online its exactly the same only thinner apparently in the packets its delivered it it's called mesh numerous times. Takes 5 years to cause problems by breaking down or eroding in your tissues.l hope you had it all removed. Do you know exactly what material you have inside you now?I wish you well and hope we can stay in contact.
Would like to add my uterus is retroverted so tilts towards my bowel not bladder.
Hello! I am one week post op following a uterine prolapse op. They did a hysterectomy but left in my ovaries becuse of my age (I am 39) and a full repair. They took out the heavy stuff so to speak and pulled everything ip and double stitched it! I feel great. I can’t believe my bulge is gone! It’s still only very early days but I was told I had a stage 4 prolapse and 2 years of phsyio and pessaries didn’t help at all! Everything feels lovely and tucked up down there but I am being very good and resting and doing small short pelvic floor exercises x
Hi Danni Lovely to hear all went well with your op. I am scared to hear what's wrong with me😨 ? Thanks for letting me know. Can l ask you if they used anything to pull you up? Do you know exactly what they did? Worried as dont want tension free vaginal tape. Did they just use stitches? I am waiting for an appointment with gynecologist. It's very good to keep your ovaries l know that as l think its important for your hormones. My mum had a hysterectomy in her 50s she passed away at 92 she was fine after her op and lived to a good age
All the best to you
Hey! Yes I had several different pessaries over a 2 year period plus physio. Even the physio said it was useless it was too far gone! I had a horrible bulge that felt worse at the end of each day. It was a uterine prolapse. They took out cervix and uterus then pulled everything up and double stitched it. I’ve had no bleeding at all, feel fine! But resting and doing light walking and pelvic floor exercises. Everyone is different and you know your body but all I can say is so far I’m happy with my decision. I did have a very old school wonderful consultant too which I feel helped. She told me she didn’t use anything unnatural and no packing etc she was stern but clinical lead for uro Gynea and very good (I was lucky to get her!). I just thought if I’m going to do it I may aswell do it now, technology etc has progressed and they have new ways of doing things. So far I feel great down below and trust me it is a huge improvement to what was there before (I called them my lady balls!) it’s now all tucked back up where it should be.
Sorry for being brutally honest and graphic but here goes… I spent 2 years when I was 37 until now not feeling right, my husband Couldn’t care less and said when we did the deed he felt no change. But I did not like him doing the bit before (if you know what I mean 😅) as I was so paranoid. I made the decision for me to make me feel better again as we do have a healthy sex life and enjoy it!
Howl this helps a little
Hello Danni thankyou for sharing it's a great help. Do you know what your op is called? Did you have a catheter after op for bladder when you woke up? So they just used stitches that's good. Do you know what they stitched you up to was it your pelvic bone? Sorry to ask but l dont want to make the wrong decision It's so encouraging to hear how well you are. I am very pleased for you. I think the female anatomy could be designed alot better in the first place. What part of the country do you live in? I'm in the south west. Your consultant sounds great hope l get a good one 🤞
Sacrospinous it’s where they pull up and attach the top of the vagina to ligaments rather than bone (I think!) I didn’t have a catheter as far as I am aware!
Update- I’ve done a 15 minute walk today round the block and had a little shower when I got in, felt like I could feel a buldge again. I got totally over paranoid, rang the surgeon, she said it’s still swelling that can give this sensation. So back to feet up for the next 24 hours. And pray that’s all it is! Think I’m starting to get obsessed by feeling it and worrying!
I’ll keep you updated.
I am in Manchester xx
Yes please keep me updated. I wish you well and hope you're fixed without more ops. I was so ignorant of all this horrible dragging lady lumps thing before menopause mine you probably best to be.Ladies are too secretive about all this stuff it's so common. My mum had a hysterectomy so did hubby's mum. My daughters partners mum has something which she keeps very secret. This menopause stuff is a nightmare everything drops! I thought it was just a joke about boobs not insides dropping out!
Keep in touch