I’ve plenty of family friends to talk to about this problem but it’s embarrassing so thought this is the perfect place. I’ve noticed a weird lump or something dangling in my vagina when cleaning/washing for a week. I got so paranoid so I checked and I’ve noticed something dangling there. A lump or a blob I’d say. I was shocked. I’ve no idea what it is. When I bend down to look it’s dangling. Is this making any sense at all to anybody 😔
embarrassed problem 🙈: I’ve plenty of family... - Women's Health
embarrassed problem 🙈

🙂 You need to grit your teeth, deal with the embarrassment …and see your GP for peace of mind.
This link explains potential problems …but your exact diagnosis may not be related.
I’ve just been to see the gp. She pressed on all the areas that were painful. Then checked inside. She couldn’t see anything though. I said I’m sure there is I saw it. She said it could be a prolapse I think. I’m going to send you for an ultrasound at the hospital and they can see it properly by doing an internal
Have you had a baby? Could it be scar tissue from a tear during childbirth? I have a small piece of extra flesh, and i was told that’s what it is.
please see a doctor asap to find out what is going on. It could be some sort of growth or prolapse, who knows? It's impossible to diagnose online. Doctors have seen it all and want to help. I know it's hard but they won't feel uncomfortable taking a look.
I agree with the others - you need to get this checked out, sooner rathef than later. If it's not too long a wait, you may want to ask to see a gynecologist. I felt embarrassed going to my physician, but I feel so much more comfortable going to a gynecologist - it's her area, what she does and works on all day. She's seen it all.
I had something like this went to doctors turned out, to be part of my hymen that was left. Doctor said if it really bothering me they could remove it. Go to doctors no point stressing out when it might be nothing. Hope all goes OK