Golf ball size lump that comes an goes..wor... - Women's Health

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Golf ball size lump that comes an goes..worried

11 Replies

50 year old female an have been getting a lump right under my right side jaw for over a year now off an on but today woke up an it's size of a golf ball an is sore an I feel it when I chew or move my neck...dealing with a lot a stress an newly formed health anxiety is this something else to worry about??

11 Replies
wobblybee profile image

🤔 It always gives peace of mind to have these things checked out..

If it goes on its own, or comes and goes, it is also less likely to be anything serious. If it is red or very tender, it might well be an infection and it may need antibiotics. The most worrying types of lumps tend to feel very hard, solid or craggy, and have gradually grown over a period of a very few weeks.27 May 2020 › ... › Health Info

in reply to wobblybee

Thanks for that does come an go an moves around in the same area I have no dr so it makes it hard to get anything checked out. Take care

bantam12 profile image

Could be a blocked salivary gland but no good guessing, best to get it checked.

in reply to bantam12

Thanks for replying I was wondering the same dr unfortunately.

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

Don't you have a GP ? There are walk in centres in most towns or go to minor injury unit at a local hospital.

wobblybee profile image

🤔 Abbagail, you’ve asked various groups for advice, and we can only speculate could be making things worse. Why can’t you be seen by someone other than going to the Emergency Room..

in reply to wobblybee

Sorry I won't ask anymore questions on here I thought that was what this was to talk through things...guess not! Won't bother anybody anymore!!!!

bantam12 profile image
bantam12 in reply to

We can't diagnose the problem and unfortunately no amount of talking it through will help you, your only option is to visit a doctor for proper examination, you really shouldn't leave it any longer in case it's something that needs treating.

wobblybee profile image
wobblybeeAdministratorPioneer in reply to

🙂The majority of members here live in the UK, myself included, we have regular access to a family doctor..that’s all I was referring to. We generally only go to the Emergency Room if there’s been an accident, or an actual emergency. Otherwise all necessary treatment is via family doctors, or if necessary, walk-in clinics.I realise not all countries have the same sort of health service, and treatment can only be given if insurance covers it..

I hope you do see someone about the lump..

in reply to wobblybee

Well I live in Canada an have been on a list for years an years so we're not all as lucky as you there I guess. As I mentioned my only option is the e.r where they dismiss everything if you have anxiety. As an administrator I would a thought you wouldn't make people feel like their being bothersome by asking questions on these various platforms I realize nobody here are drs bit thought it was to talk things through an share experiences bit I'm odviously wrong in that thinking! Some of the topics an things Ive read on here are completely off the wall yet people respond an are nice In their answers I however get you replying making me feel like I'm a bother asking for advice when I have nothing else! I've begged an called an tried everything here in Ontario to get a dr its impossible.

I will be cancelling my account on here if asking questions is such a bother!! Not a good way to administer making somebody feel this way! Thanks so much!!!

Quilt2 profile image

I'm from Ontario, too. I think this network is a great place to ask questions. Sometimes the issue is concerning enough that the answer one gets is to get it checked out properly and soon because people are concerned for you. It may be nothing, but it COULD be an indicator of something more serious. There are many walk in clinics in Ontario where you could go. I know it can be frustrating trying to get your own physician - we lose so many to the States. So unfair. Our tax dollars educate them, then off they go. But please, for yourself, go to a walk in clinic when it is acting up.

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