hi , I had the ct scan with contrast which didn’t show anything much . I had a flexible cystoscopy under local where there were some plaque like material in the lining of the bladder . The doctor said I would need to have a general anaesthetic and a rigid cystoscopy and bladder biopsy. I had this last week- they took a biopsy of part of the plaque like areas and I’m awaiting the macmillan urology nurse to call with the histology- which can be another 1-2 weeks. I’m feeling rather anxious as I have a bad gut feeling about this plus upon wiping have a very light pink discharge which I’ve had before too . I’m in Estrogen patches as likely menopausal- so all in a bit of a pickle really - feeling quite isolated and anxious
update : hi , I had the ct scan with contrast... - Women's Health

I’m so sorry..
Waiting for results is stressful anyway, when a MacMillan Nurse is involved it makes it extra anxious.
I empathise..at the Breast Clinic after finding a lump..I was taken in to see a MacMillan Nurse.
If you haven’t already seen this group..it’s possible you could get support here..
Hi thank you for your reply , I will take a look at the site you mentioned above . I meant that the light pink discharge is per vagina and not the urethra . My gut feeling is not good with this - I had blood in the urine last year and wasn’t investigated, I should have been then according to the doctor, which has heightened my anxiety. I am under a lot of stress at the moment- most I cannot resolve quickly . Thank you for your reply Catherine