So a couple of weeks ago I when to get a mammogram even though im only 35 my gynocologist wanted me to get one. So I when in they did a mammogram and I had to come back for another one with ultrasound . I when back again got my results they found a small intraductal mass behind my nipple. I have been goggleling like crazy and it says it could be cancer tape 0 or type 1 im so scare Can you guys give me some advice on what should I do any one had gone though this same situation. PLEASE I would highly appreciate.
So worried I'm 35 years old I did a breast ... - Women's Health
So worried I'm 35 years old I did a breast ultrasound and they found a intraductal mass behind my nipple did biopsy terrified 😨

🙂It’s natural to ‘freak out’ but it’s important to remember that unusual findings don’t always turn out to be cancer.
My mother had turned out to be a blocked milk duct.
Read this info..
Thanks for your respond im trying to calm my nerves and be positive but the waiting is agonizing
I know only too well how you must be feeling
In 2014 I found a lump myself..I had a mammogram and a biopsy at the first appointment at the Breast Clinic..then I saw a MacMillan Nurse who gave me the results. It was such a quick diagnosis I was so shocked.
But..there’s every chance yours is completely different 🙂
I too had a blocked milk duct, which was removed. Then in 21 after an elective mammo-(i'm too old to be called on the screening programme here in the UK, but you can request it)-I got a very early breast cancer diagnosis, a few weeks later had a lumpectomy and 4 (clear) lymph nodes taken and now on Letrozole. The thing to remember is, even if it is cancer, it's been found and can be dealt with-if you hadn't had your mammo, it might have been a different ending...
Thank you for your response but since I have been googoling like crazy with my kidney transplant and cancer both together alot patients don't naked it im just hoping if it is cancer is early and I could do something about it .
I know it’s tempting and we all want to be informed, but please don’t “google like crazy.” Dr. Google does not know you like your own doctors do. You will only make yourself more anxious. I would restrict yourself to a few sites like the American Cancer Society , and then try to let it go.