Hi all, I’m 40 and I have always had very regular periods (28 day cycle). Over the past 6 months or so I’ve been experiencing hot flushes at night and my periods have been getting shorter (down from 7-8 days to 5-6 days) for around a year now. I have always suffered from very bad period pain and heavy periods. This has previously been investigated but no issues were found.
This month, my period was due to start on 4th November but as yet I’m still waiting! The problem is, I have had awful period pain for almost 2 weeks now to the point where I feel like I will go to the toilet and be flooded, but there’s nothing. I also have a ‘pressure’ type feeling down below. I have been to the docs this week and she basically just ran through a checklist of questions and referred me for blood tests but I’m really worried about this pain. Is this a normal peri menopause symptom? I just feel all over the place! Thanks.