Two months ago, following repeat anterior repair, I wrote that I feared surgery had failed as I could feel a fullness at top of vagina despite taking care in what I was doing. I hoped it might be post-op swelling. I did have an appointment with gynaecology physiotherapist but as this appointment had been made at only 5 weeks she was only able to advise regarding pelvic floor exercises.I have now had my post-op follow-up appointment with my consultant (10weeks post-op) and to my dismay I now find that the fullness I felt in first week post-op is actually a rectocele, not failure of my anterior repair! Obviously I am upset and disappointed.
I have previously had: anterior repair 2016; Total vaginal hysterectomy 2017 for uterine prolapse; laparoscopic sacrocolpopexy with mesh for vaginal vault prolapse 2018. I had the repeat anterior repair as there was still a problem with cystocele and mesh could not be extended due to scar tissue.
I have follow-up appointment in 4 months to decide what to do next - perhaps try pessary. I am not having any problems at the moment and am wearing underwear to support perineal area. I also have an appointment with gynaecology physiotherapist next week.
I apologise for very long post,