drop in heart rate?
Today I had the worst episode of this- all of a sudden I felt light headed and my chest felt heavy, I checked my Fitbit and my heart rate was 50bpm (usually 60-70) I also had and still have an ache down from my left shoulder.
Usually when this happens it passes after a few minutes, however today it was much worse. I called 111 who sent an ambulance (although by this time I felt a bit better) The paramedics did blood pressure, ecg and blood sugar- all was ok other than my blood sugar was 4.6 which was apparently a little on the low side.
They said I should go a&e to have a blood test, which can detect if the episode was something to do with my heart - however I declined. My heart rate has risen since and although I’m still not feeling great- I don’t feel as bad.
I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced sudden and intermittent episodes like this?
I am 35- currently over 3 weeks late for period - periods have been late since first Covid vaccine. Not overweight or on any medication currently.