I wondered if someone could help please....
last month out of the blue 4 days into my period I started losing blood clots.... as I stood up I felt what I thought was a gush of blood but when I went to the toilet it was actually a huge blood clot, it was around half an inch wide and about 3 inches long then I lost about another 7 over 2 days that were around the size of golf balls. I ended up going to a&e in the advise of 111.... they were not interested as my hb and other blood markers were all within range so I thought I would wait to see if it happened with this months period.... and it has! But this time 2 days into my period.... I have lost around 4 golf size blood clots and a couple of small ones. I contacted my gp on Wednesday who said he wanted to send me for a scan... then this morning I had a phone call for an appointment for an internal ultrasound next Wednesday. I haven’t had pain as such the only different that I have noticed is a pulling pressure sensation in the bottom of my tummy when I’m on my period and when I sometimes empty my bladder i feel a pressure like feeling. Has anyone has these symptoms before? I was thinking fibroids but the gp said that fibroids would come on gradually not so drastically but everyone is different. Has anyone got any advise please x