May just be being a bit weird, so apologies if you think I'm being crazy!
I'm 36 and been diagnosed with endometriosis just under 3 years ago, had two laps to excise it, with the latest in July 2018. Not on any hormones, not planning or preventing, just seeing what happens naturally. Well nothing so far which is fine.
My cycles are spot on 28 days with ovulation at cd 15 The only endo symptoms I now have are around my period; cramping, bloating, back pain, exhausted, heavy periods, mood swings. I occasionally get spotting around my ovulation which is okay. But this cycle it's been a lot more right after, with occasional cramping but nothing too concerning, then started a full on bleeding Sunday (cd 23), after what felt like a bit of spotting (cd 18, 19, 21, 22). Sorry if tmi, but this feels different; brighter red, more flowing if that makes sense, I have cramps like squeezing a stress ball feeling, and bloating but not as bad as usua. My period isn't due until Friday this week so not sure what this is.
I've had cervical ectropion before, but this doesn't feel like that either.
Help, any ideas? Endo coming back? Something irritated in my vagina? Can failed implantation happen? Will I still have my normal period? Should I go to the GP? Or just monitor and see what happens? I've never had a period 6 days early.