Hi I have a problem with my hands it’s called Dupuytren Construction I have had it for a couple of years now it’s worse in my right hand especially my little finger the knuckle near my finger is quite swollen I was wondering if any one else has experience with this problem how do they cope with it it would be nice to find out how other people cope with it thank you
Hand Problem : Hi I have a problem with my... - Women's Health
Hand Problem

🙂 I have similar in my little finger on my right hand, and have arthritis in the same arm. As far as I know, there is no family history, I don’t have diabetes, nor do I drink alcohol due to another diagnosed condition.
Dupuytren's (du-pwe-TRANZ) contracture is a hand deformity that usually develops over years. The condition affects a layer of tissue that lies under the skin of your palm. Knots of tissue form under the skin — eventually creating a thick cord that can pull one or more fingers into a bent position.
The affected fingers can't be straightened completely, which can complicate everyday activities such as placing your hands in your pockets, putting on gloves or shaking hands.
Dupuytren's contracture mainly affects the two fingers farthest from the thumb, and occurs most often in older men of Northern European descent. A number of treatments are available to slow the progression of Dupuytren's contracture and relieve symptoms.
Dupuytren's contracture typically progresses slowly, over years. The condition usually begins as a thickening of the skin on the palm of your hand. As it progresses, the skin on your palm might appear puckered or dimpled. A firm lump of tissue can form on your palm. This lump might be sensitive to the touch but usually isn't painful.
In later stages of Dupuytren's contracture, cords of tissue form under the skin on your palm and can extend up to your fingers. As these cords tighten, your fingers might be pulled toward your palm, sometimes severely.
The two fingers farthest from the thumb are most commonly affected, though the middle finger also can be involved. Only rarely are the thumb and index finger affected. Dupuytren's contracture can occur in both hands, though one hand is usually affected more severely.
Doctors don't know what causes Dupuytren's contracture. There's no evidence that hand injuries or occupations that involve vibrations to the hands cause the condition.
Risk factors
A number of factors are believed to increase your risk of the disease, including:
Age. Dupuytren's contracture occurs most commonly after the age of 50.
Sex. Men are more likely to develop Dupuytren's and to have more severe contractures than are women.
Ancestry. People of Northern European descent are at higher risk of the disease.
Family history. Dupuytren's contracture often runs in families.
Tobacco and alcohol use. Smoking is associated with an increased risk of Dupuytren's contracture, perhaps because of microscopic changes within blood vessels caused by smoking. Alcohol intake also is associated with Dupuytren's.
Diabetes. People with diabetes are reported to have an increased risk of Dupuytren's contracture.
Dupuytren's contracture can make it difficult to perform certain functions using your hand. Since the thumb and index finger aren't usually affected, many people don't have much inconvenience or disability with fine motor activities such as writing. But as Dupuytren's contracture progresses, it can limit your ability to fully open your hand, grasp large objects or to get your hand into narrow places.
See webmd.com
🙂Hi Wobblybee there is no history in my family also thankfully I have no other problems I wouldn’t say my hand is painful it’s my little finger just goes it’s own way sometimes it’s quite funny when I wash my face my finger nearly goes up my nose I really have to put my fingers together as best I can before I start washing my face you cannot help but laugh about it nice to have some one who has it don’t no of any one with the problem so thank you for replying to my text
Hi funny enough I had an operation on my thyroid years ago I take thyroxine tablet daily the consultant never brought that up the only thing he asked me what job I did before I retired told him I was a chef he said that contributed to my problem the strain on my hands over the years my own doctor told me that also still at the end of the day I have to live with it I am not in pain so that’s something I am grateful for I do a lot of craft I still can manage that so that’s a blessing take care

🙂 Thyroid is mentioned in this link from rarediseases. I had a thyroid function test a couple of years ago, and was told ‘within range’. But, I’ve also been told by others with a thyroid condition, NHS testing often isn’t ‘adequate’. It can give a more reliable result if done privately.
In addition, the disorder usually affects both hands (bilateral). Although the exact cause of Dupuytren's contracture is unknown, risk for the disorder appears to be increased by alcoholic liver disease (cirrhosis) and the presence or certain other diseases, including diabetes, thyroid problems, and epilepsy.
rarediseases.org › rare-diseases
My husband has Dupuytren Contracture. One hand is affected more than the other. He’s had two operations this year as the fingers (ring finger and pinkie) on his dominant hand and the fingers were completely turned in against the palm of his hand. After the first op within 3 months the fingers had started to turn in again so the surgeon got him back and re did the op. I’m surprised there was any skin left to stitch together. He had to go for intense physio and also has a splint to wear at night. He can now get his hand in his trouser pockets and can properly hold the steering wheel on the car and there’s more mobility but no strength in it. He’s also back at work but there’s a sensitivity near his pinkie that will never go so need to watch when picking up papers as it can hurt. There’s no guarantee that it won’t come back but he’s had it a good number of years now and it is hereditary in his case as his cousins and uncles have/had it too so there’s every chance of it returning as he’s been told he’s got quite an aggressive form of it. I think if he was older and retired he wouldn’t have bothered putting himself through the two ops and just learned to use his left hand for things that were difficult and there’s a gadget he could had got for the steering wheel to give him more
Control when driving.

I am sorry to hear he as had such a lot of discomfort hopefully it doesn’t come back mine is mainly in my right hand round my little finger it’s been like that for about three years unfortunately had an operation round my right thumb so I have not got much strength in the hand anyway hope all goes well with your husband