Ladies what does your body go thru when ur close or just starting ur period?? Cuz im spotting coming on but my body feels weak like a piece of paper and i feel like im in a dream state my eyes is floaty feeling i get moody and so irritated outta no where i get diarrhea i get emotional and i feel like im floating when walking i get light head rushes my chest gets sore and my body gets real achy b4 my cramps kick in and i fully come on.... TMI ik im sorry just some of these symptoms scare me
Period started: Ladies what does your body go... - Women's Health
Period started

I usually feel pretty crummy. Mood swings, both high and low. Body aches, dizziness, bowel changes. Migraines. Increased hunger. Just to name a few. Lol.
Have u ever felt weak or like ur stomach was empty but no appetite or disturbed sleep at night?
Yes! I get fatigued and find that I don’t want to do anything other than sleep. But when night time comes I can’t fall asleep. When I finally do fall asleep I wake up all throughout the night. I find the sleep stuff happens 2-3 days prior to my start date. isn’t unusual for me to be nauseous too. Which adds to the not wanting to function or eat.
Yessssssssss this is so me my sleep has been like soon as i start dosing i get those hypnotic jerks up til 3 or 4 in the morning & then i dose off to sleep peacefully and this was 3 nights in a roll and i started spotting today and what my body has been doing for this past 4 days is starting to feel better because im coming on and yes i always get nauseous
I have no appetite whatsoever 😷 I have sickness as well x