I keep getting vaginal trush and it is so sore I cannot get rid of it . It was first discharge with trush and know very sore with trush . Does anyone have any cream or advice that has helped them?
I keep getting vaginal trush and it is so sore I cannot get rid of it . It was first discharge with trush and know very sore with trush . Does anyone have any cream or advice that has helped them?
Thrush is very common, most women will have had it at one time or another. There are several over the counter preparations, but brands may differ depending on which country you live in. Look on the shelves of your local pharmacy if you prefer not to see a Doctor. But, sometimes it is better to see your own Doctor, it can be expensive trying different products, and what one person recommends might not suit someone else. Plus, repeated episodes of Thrush may need something only available on prescription 🤔xB