So it started hurting when I started my period yesterday. I look at in the shower and it very swollen, looks like a blood blister, very itchy now and it is very sore. If I wipe or anything rubs against it, it makes me feel uncomfortable.
My clitorus hurts!!!!!: So it started hurting... - Women's Health
My clitorus hurts!!!!!
Not sure what that might be off the top of my head but it does sound like an infection if there's an itch and a blister. I would be getting some advice from the doctor about it. Hope you get on ok.
Sounds like you might have can treat this with natural yogurt and reduce sugar in your diet.
Natural yogurt directly applied to your vulval area and also taken orally as part of your diet.
You can also visit your pharmacist if you want to buy drugs to treat this.
On 2nd thoughts this could also be Genital Herpes which you will need help and support with from a doctor/pharmacist/GUM Clinic.
Either way, it's very uncomfortable and I hope you get what you need to relieve the pain and discomfort.
Hi Chelsea, seriously the best thing to do is go see your GP, it's no good guessing what it may or may not be because youl just end up worrying yourself sick about it. Monday tomorrow so call for appointment x
What sanitary products are you using? Could you be allergic to something in your pads?
So many sanitary towels have this stupid gel filler in them, and no one will tell you the ingredients. I am convinced it's not actually good for you. Try switching towels to a natural cotton pad (you can get them in Boots or waitrose stores, brand is naturals or cottons).
Hi Chelsea ,there might be some infection ,you should go and see your GP