Hi ladies. I am looking for some
Advice and support from ladies suffering with the same problems as me. I have stage 4 Endo which effected the bladder and bowel and major ovary damage.
I have been through 3 Endometriosis surgeries the last one meant removal of both ovaries.
I also went through ivf which failed.
Over the last few years I have suffered with low self esteem and lost my identity as a woman. The biggest issue I am having is sexual confidence and libido.
As time as gone on I have lost all interest in sex, and the fear of pain and discomfort due to the changes the lack of hormones has caused down there has turned me inside out. I fear sex and get tearful and anxious when anything sexual is suggested. Even things that are just for him.
It’s really effecting our marriage. He is so understanding but I know deep down it’s hurting him that I don’t want to be intimate with him.
I am worried I am pushing him away. I have ordered a vaginal dilator set online to try and help make things more comfortable but I think it’s more in my head now. Has anyone had sexual therapy or have any tips? I can’t take HRT as it brings back my bowel Endo. I can use vagifem but it has minimal effect and I don’t know how safe it is to use regularly, thanks x