It all started in December. At the time, I had no idea what was going on. I became seriously ill one day in my nursing class. I began to sweat profusely, shake, felt extremely faint. I had to walk outside to get cold arm and breathe or I knew I would pass out. It hit me like a brick wall. I went to the emergency room 5+ times and they kept telling me nothing was wrong with me. I didn’t find out until this April that I had contracted Hepatitis A - and was sick from that, and the pain I was experiencing during that time and to this date is due to a bad liver from said disease. Since then, I have not felt like my normal self. I use to run 5+ miles every night, so full of happiness and energy. Now I am sick everyday. Can’t run, don’t have interest in things I use to do. I experience abdominal pain, nausea, chest pain, dizziness, spaced out feeling/disoriented on a daily basis.
Just recently I began to experience severe neck and head pain. I went to Emergency room and doctors told me they didn’t see anything and the only thing left for them to do was a spinal tap, but said I didn’t need it as if it were viral or bacterial meningitis I would be more sick, and if it were viral there was nothing they could do for me. They took a flu swab and a strep swab and told me they were both negative. Feeling defeated I went home. Two days later I received a call saying that my strep test was in fact positive and to start a course on antibiotics. I am currently on them now but still have the severe neck and head pain, along with the disoriented/ faint feeling. Like I’m going to freak out. I know the pain and symptoms are there but I can’t help but think that maybe they are missing something or aren’t taking me serious like last time.
Anyone had strep with no sore throat just neck and head pain?
Please help me I’m sorry that this is so long. Thank you so much xxx