My dad suffered a traumatic brain injury when a forklift fork fell on his head at work. He had a fractured skull, high intercranical pressure due to bleeding. He broke 3 bones in his neck/back.
He has however suffered a number of complications whilst being in hospital for the 16 days so far. His kidneys failed so was on a dialysis machine - he is now off. He developed a chest infection which he has just about got rid off. But now they think he has some form of blood clot or blocked artery in his leg so blood can no longer get to his foot.
We were told today that he may need it amputating and he may not be stable enough to go through with the operation. He has now been off sedation for 2 1/2 days and so far only his facial features has twitched. Today he did manage to open one eye.
I wondered if anyone has any stories of any of the above problems. He is also diabetic and suffered pneumonia earlier in the year. He was highly sedated for 15 days.
Thank you in advance for any advice or miracle stories xx