I’m just writing on here to reach out for coping mechanisms really as I’m really struggling. I’ve been ttc for 3 1/2 years and have been messed about left, right and centre by the NHS and feel no further forward than when I met with my doctor 1 1/2 years ago. I’ve just had another negative result and arrival of another unwanted period and broke down at work in the middle of a meeting, I’m just struggling to cope with it all now. I’m scared of being stressed, I’m afraid to admit that I need help. I keep thinking I should visit my doctor or talk to someone but I just don’t and put it off for the fear I’ll just be ignored and not taken seriously. I’m the strong one and should “man up” but I’m really struggling now and put on a big positive front. I’m dying to speak to someone but just can’t. Please let me know if there are others in this situation, how do you cope with the constant monthly grief? What do you do to keep positive? I have a fertility appointment at another hospital at the end of this month, but I’m scared to focus on it just in case it leads to nothing. Any tips, help, advice would be so greatly appreciated.
Giving up hope. : I’m just writing on here to... - Women's Health
Giving up hope.

Have your thyroid levels been checked? The British Thyroid Association and NICE recommend the TSH of women trying to conceive should be between 0.4 - 2.5.
If you type 'Fertility' into the title/search in the link below you'll find communities specifically about fertility healthunlocked.com/find
Hi, yes I think so. The hospital and doctor have done loads of tests which came out clear so according to them there’s nothing wrong with me which is a good thing, but also gives me no solution or answers. 😔 Will that affect fertility?
I’ve searched for fertility in the app and have posted in a couple of groups for different opinions
Having high TSH and low FT4 can make conception difficult. Worth checking with your doctors that they did test.
I hope you're successful soon.
I would advise you to get a full fertility check up. All bloods, hormones and uterus scans done. Have a look online to see what these will include, but basically
•A simple pelvic ultrasound scan can give you information about your ovaries and uterus condition.
•AFC (antral follicle count) can give an indication of a woman’s egg reserve. HyCoSy or HSG will look at your fallopian tubes •A full blood count which can be done by most GP’s. This will cover a range of general health like thyroid testing, Hep C and white and red blood levels. But also hormone levels like FSH LH E2
•Plus, anyone who is sexually active should be dropping into their sexual health clinic for a complete screen. If you don't already... start asking for and keeping a copy of all your test results so you can monitor any changes. Also check out fertility clinics like the Bridge or London Women's Clinic, they do testing packages that might shed some light.
Unless you decide to go private, specialists one to one will only go so far, so arm yourself with as much information as possible and be proactive in your own fertility. Try not to see each month when you bleed as a bad thing but more as a bit more time to get truly ready for when it works.
good luck!
moonbeam. x
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Hi there I’m now 48 and aged 27 had completed all tests and faced unexplained infertility. I did decide to have ivf while still young which was successful then went on to have a 2nd child naturally. I really understand your frustration the endless disappointment of months leading to years of trying and tests with no conclusions was a painful time of life. IVF was easy to cope with by comparison cause it was taking action. I wish you all the very best as you continue your journey and send you much love and hope xx