A little while ago I was diagnosed with HPV 16&18 high risk strains.
It's the virus that causes cervical cancer and it's an STD.
I only became sexually active about 4 years ago and I'm 30 years old.
This sucks big time!
My doctor encourage me to do treatment with CERVUGID Ovules combined with Isoprinosine Tablets (antiviral - just one cours with 3 boxes for severe HPV high risk) and if the treatment doesn’t work to do Cone Biopsy. This treatment has to be administrated in 2 courses, each cours 3 boxes of Cervugid.
I don't know how these worked but it couldn't be bad. I stopped the Cervugid treatment in February 2016 like my doctor told me and to repeat all medical tests. May 2016 I had to repeat pap and everything came back normal! No dysplasia and no HPV!My next pap in September 2016 was normal again and no HPV!
Since now I prefer to repeat all tests every 6 months