help does anyone know of any good home remedies for thrush please. Had it for a week now and cant go to the toilet properly
Thrush: help does anyone know of any good... - Women's Health

A home remedy is to eat natural (unflavoured) yoghurt and avoid sugar. If it's really bad, you can soak a tampon in natural yoghurt and insert it (this is what a pharmacist advised me once).
Go buy canestean, monstat, and vagisil cream to soothe irritation. In most cases your doctor will just tell you to buy the suppositories yourself.
One remedy that helped me get rid of thrush in 1 day was actually a vinegar sitz bath. Fill the tub enough to cover your hips and pour in a cup and a half of vinegar and sit in the water for 30 minutes.
Wear cotton underwear, sleepwithout underwear on and don't wear tight pants. For now wear dresses with cotton underwear you really need to let it breathe.

wow will definitely give that a go is it a certain type of vinegar
I used white but some people use apple cider.
Make sure you go to the doctor for swabs though since yeast rarely causes sores, take it form someone whose had it on and off for a year, never once did I get a sore.

yeah I went to doctors today she said its thrush got some creams and tablets to take but now not sure if I can take as breastfeeding baby
She wouldn't have given them to you unless if you could. If you have tablets and cream then don't use any home remedies, what they do is balance out your ph, those remedies are gonna screw it up more and it might lead to BV.
The worst culprit for us all is sugar and processed food. If you could make some big adjustments to your diet you should avoid thrush.