ok What a lot of people don't understand about weight loss is that there's no magic pill, food, or exercise that's going to slim you up. The hard truth is you need to do things you don't want to do to actually lose weight (gasp). The good news is, it's 100% possible, and I believe anybody reading this can do it. (Let me tell you exactly how I did it.)
First things first, I approached my weight loss by thinking about what I needed to start doing and what I needed to stop doing. What I needed to do to lose weight was simple: I had to start going to the gym 4 times a week (weight training 4 times and cardio 2–3 times a week). I found a random workout routine online and just did that (I didn't overcomplicate this—I could always adjust later). The second thing I needed to do was reduce my calorie intake. I used a random macro calculator and saw I had to eat 1,200 calories a day to reach my goal weight. Cool, so I went and bought low-calorie groceries at the store.
Now, what I needed to stop doing was binge eating at night, so I removed all the junk food from my house straight to the trash, don't need ya. But the hardest thing for me to actually lose weight was accountability and disipline to keep going to the gym. My weakness was that I would always give up or quit after a few days and just skip workouts. So what I did to fix this was use an accountability app. The app messaged me in the morning to give some quick motivation, lay out my goals and what I needed to do. At the end of the day, an accountability coach called me to review the day, hold me accountable, and keep me going when times got tough and oh boy did they get tough. This really helped me get my butt off the couch and get to the gym.
The most important factors of losing weight are simple: 1. Consistency/discipline 2. Diet 3. Exercise. I'm sitting in my living room writing this post 40 lbs skinnier and a healthier, happier person. By no means is losing weight easy, but I promise with the right diet, exercise, and tools, you can do it too.