Can't lose weight albeit I'm doing 30 minute's on x-trainer highest level 25 then 5 sets of weights and 20 minute's on Treadmill quick walk 3 times a week last 3 months only lost 4 kgs How Come I ask just feel fitter and flexible.
Hi All, I go to the gym on x-trainer f... - Weight Loss Support
Hi All, I go to the gym on x-trainer for 30 minute's highest level 25 burn it Say's 800 calories then go on sit down weights, lost 4kg mnths

Hi ForestryPine6 You've given your own answer there: exercise can help get you fitter and more flexible but it isn't the best for weight loss. For that, you need to look at your diet.
This might help
Thank you for food guide, I don't smoke or drink well only on special occasions eat lots of protein and my BMI is still 42 severely obese but don't feel it, the mind boggles as I'm swimming against the tide and getting nowhere lol....
Have a look at the guide and maybe start noting what you eat in total.
For me, the standout pointers are: "Check the ingredients on packaged foods. If there are more than 5 ingredients and / or ingredients you wouldn’t find in your kitchen, it may be ultra processed: best to avoid" and "Aim for a maximum of 130g carbs per day, or lower if you can manage it"
Yes it's got to be down to food, I'll have to be more alert on the calories on foods for when I shop next, Gosh if I didn't go to Gym and Mtn Cycling from march in milder weather up the forestries of Brecon Beacons National Park that I've been doing for last 15 year's but bought E Bike ready for those hills that are impossible even for the fit people so can go further as here in south/mid Wales hill everywhere so bought big 750 Cube motor Mtn Bike and look at the labels on food packaging as its got to be what I'm consuming which is not often and never eat breakfast just 2 mugs of tea as shortly off to gym! Thanks for the guide👍
If you have a look at that guide, there's no mention of calories. In fact, no figures at all, except for staying below 130g of carbohydrate.
Well done on all the activity, and how lovely to live around the Brecon Beacons, I have spent many weekends in the past visiting the area for walking and climbing, beautiful. Firstly, 4 kg is a good weightloss , so don’t knock it. Secondly ignore calorie values on gym machines, they are absolutely meaningless. And its true you can’t outrun a bad diet, but exercise is important, and great for your mental health and physical well-being.
I agree with all the things that others have said, but eating ’healthier’ foods is not a magic wand, so you do have to look at how much you’re eating. There are plenty of ’food plans’ on-line to get you started.
And visit this forum regularly, get involved, tell us how you’re getting on. its great for support and helps with accountability. I’ve only been on here for a few weeks but I’ve found it friendly and supportive.
Thanks for knowledgeable advice that I will take on board, To right like after yesterday's 2 hour's in the gym the endorphins do flow nicely and help as you mentioned mental health and outlook on life, I will just have to watch my portion size of food also instructor at gym suggested grenade the post workout drink as it as lots of protein with little sugar and fat, I have lymphodema in both lower leg's so with fluid retention I take Bumetanide 2x1 tablet first thing in the morning 🌄 to rid excess from body for 2 hour's but will post updates on here, Thanks for input 👌
I don’t know about grenade -but personally , I would rather get my protein from a juicy steak or chicken curry rather than a protein drink made largely from the waste-products of the cheese industry. No sugar at all in a steak. Just sayin’
Yes I eat lots of chicken with one in the oven now literally and I eat sirloin and rump steak with salads it could be the mayonnaise I put on but like vinegar which I think is ok? The post work out of 500ml of water and 3 scoops of Grenade powder is very tasty but I only have that after workout it then fills me until evening time but may have fruit in-between before main meal, I hardly ever eat carbs and if I eat bread it's wholemeal or seeded, I had chicken madras curry on weekend.. just can't seem to shift it lol 🥴

I presume you have had you thryoid checked.It might be an idea to post on thyroid uk so people can help you acsertain if you are underactive. It is often missed by doctors blood tests. I have found overeaters anonymous very helpful and more recently intermittant fasting. I would also receommend cutting out refined sugar, it is so addictive but once you have it out of your system in a few days the cravings just disappear.
After having routine bloods during last 5 year's the GP sent me to out of hour's at local hospital tests and the outcome was borderline hypothyroidism and best not to treat it they said, I think that plays a part, thanks for your input 👍
I have borderline hypothyrodism and treatment has helped me hugely in so many ways. I was stuck not losing weight for years untill i got my treatment sorted. Did they not even re check your bloods six months later. Thyroid care is terrible in this country. Anyway musnt rant.
Yes they've had me at hospital twice for Thyroid check as doctor can't decide what's best and nothing as come of it, Your right Thyroid care is not to clever and as definitely played a part in my weight gain.
information is everything. Try a glucose monitor for 6 months so you don’t have to stick your finger. Get your numbers down near 100 and you will lose weight.

I feel the advice you have been given mirrors what I thought. Primarily you are what you eat but given your post I would get an MOT health check . Too much exercise can be detrimental as an example my Zumba teacher / super fit and super toned now awaits hip replacement so get advice on targeted sensible exercise- sometimes less is more and don’t starve yourself or be reliant on so called health shakes and bars which aren’t always effective as most people get the required nutrition from food and these drinks really up your calorie intake and other important nutrients and are in addition to the good food which may help you more .
Thanks for your advice as I will take this on board for the future, I do enjoy the post workout drink grenade 500ml water with 3 scoops of powder that says a lot of protein in the drink which is flavoured, I think I'm eating the right foods with steak and chicken salads a little potatoes too, I spoke with GP to say I'm not losing weight and exercising not to much, he just said if my weight is stable just carry on what I'm doing! An instructor said muscle weighs heavier than fat but I still have a 41 bmi that puts me in severely obese category so can't fathom it out... I just get told its what you eat, well I should be loosing. I only have protein shake 3 time's per week..
Is the protein shake instead of a meal or just something you like ? I was warned about all the drinks I consumed and was told at my fitness level and endurance rate that water was enough . Just wondering if these shakes do more harm than good . Maybe someone on here with more knowledge could advise?
After gym workout I don't feel like eating anything for about 4 hour's after so I follow what gym instructor suggested grenade high in protein post workout to which I enjoy and after reading the nutritional benefits I thought I'm killing two birds for one as it puts goodness back in and I do enjoy the flavoured taste also instead of lunch that I don't want when home... so it's only advice I've gone on and reading what's in the shake.