Who's up for it? Starting on Monday I'm going to star my daughter on the course I done it two years ago and how run a around 50 km a week and have lost 5 stone after having a heart attack two and a half years ago . So will be with you every step of the way so who fancy it first run on Monday all you need is a smart phone or mp 3 player trainers and loss fitting clothes nothing flash and 30min 3 times a week !!!come on Gareth
Coach to 5 k: Who's up for it? Starting... - Weight Loss Support
Coach to 5 k

50km a week is extremely impressive as is the weight loss!!!!wow. Might join you on this one
I'd like to , I have the app downloaded already. I just worry that I am too unfit and won't be able to do it ☹️
Hi Gareth, well done on all your achievements 😀 I'm really struggling with the exercise at the moment so am going to give couch to 5k a go. I walk my dog nearly every evening anyway so 3x we can both have a little run. 😂 do you need special running trainers (think I read this somewhere?!?!) Or are the ones I've got ok to start ... suppose if I get the running bug I can upgrade. I'M WITH YOU!!! 💃

Trainers nothing flash around £30 please don't we're a supermarket pair they won't give you the surport I'm on my 2 nd pair of Nike in two years only were them for running they will last £30 people pay that for a night on the beer so it's Will worth it

Hi Gareth0073,
Sounds fun! I will be interested to see how everyone gets on, so I'll be an avid reader of your posts, and I think it's a great initiative on your part!
Wishing everyone who joins you in this lots of success. I hope to try to do at least one jog/run outside this week, but I don't have the ability currently to work out how to handle a smart phone so I could hear the C25K podcasts, (I carry my smart phone in a back-pack sometimes, but I don't have earphones to enable me to listen to it) and I don't have an mp 3 player, otherwise I would be tempted to do that part of it too.
But I think your post will motivate me to continue doing some running - as I currently run on the treadmill in the gym, and I am trying to make it outside more often for jogs/runs as well.
Can't you get someone to help you put the a app on a smart phone ear phones can be very cheap £5 also supermarket do a mp 3 p player for as little as £8 come on just a little bit of planning and we can all start on Monday
Come on lowcal 😀 if I can try it so can you ... keep positive x
I started the C25K a while back and got as far as week 4 but then stopped due to a knee injury and 'life'. I have the app and I already said I would start Monday anyhow, so with my partner spurring me on I am going to give it another go (see if I can't get to the end!?)
So yep, count me in!
And Zest you can get a cheap pair of earphones, also look out for an arm band to carry your phone in rather than it being in your back pack (I put mine on my arm band, stick headphones in, and away I go)

Hi Gareth,
I can't believe I've found your thread today and it's coincided with me thinking about trying the Couch 25K. I'm absolutely terrified at the thought, but, nothing ventured, nothing gained and I love the idea of us all doing it together
I'm afraid I'm the same as Zest and am a complete techno numpty! So much so, that I don't even know how to download an app, or where to find it! My son downloaded myfitnesspal for me, but I still haven't worked out how to use it! I don't have earphones either, so I'm going to have to get some of those too!
I think I'll have to go to Sports Direct too and get their advice. I have a new pair of Hi-Tec trainers, but I don't know if they're ok for running, or not!
What happens if I'm not able to keep up with everyone, I'd hate to hold everybody up?!
Sorry to be so feeble, I guess it's Newbie nerves!
I have a spare earphones if you would like? You or Zest can have it. Whoever asks first!
Thanks bd, that's extremely kind of you!

nhs.uk/Livewell/c25k/Pages/... this may help with downloading the app/ pop cast there is nothing to be scared about you will be talk through everything in week one you will do no moor then a 1 minute light jog . I know what it's like you may think people may be laughing at you or taking the mike you may have the odd one but stuff them just enjoy it and you will. Then there's some small goals to reach and reward yourself (non food) remember just plain the hardest thing will just be getting out the door on Monday you can do it and you will COME ON WHO'S UP FOR IT !!!!
I was actually going to start the c25k on Monday so it co-insides finishing with my 12 week plan so I am in
I'm there! I'll do it when walking my dog - it'll be fun seeing if I can keep him moving as he rather loves his sniffing We can but try

That's great there's a start!!!!

That's a great initiative gareth0073, fantastic ! I graduated C25K in January and have been running since more or less regularly. Will be reading with interest posts on how the group gets on, and I might re-run some runs with you too. Tidi
You really are tempting me to join in and I now have a MP3 player so it looks like I will also join in. I have been saying it so many times that I am going to start but I guess I just need the push. Thanks so much for starting this thread! Did I understand correctly only on Monday?

Will start on Monday so every has chance to get mp 3 players trainers ect sorted then another 2 times a week so Wednesday and Saturday but everyone does it to fit in to there lifestyle but we are only looking for half an hour three times a week with a little bit of planning everyone can do so I'm hoping everyone will spear each other on. It's been a great start so far thanks for all the Fed back Gareth

Just linking to a post Gareth has done more recently:
Looking Good for C25K - Starting Monday (i.e. Monday 30th May 2016).
I think I might have to have a go at this - dodgy knees, wobbly bits and all. I need all the help I can get !!!
Count me in!...