I had a HA in 2017 and lost 4st afterwards. Unfortunately I’ve put most of it back on even though I vowed I wouldn’t. I know what to do to get the weight off and am usually ‘good’ for about 6 weeks, think I’ve conquered the bingeing then spectacularly fall off the wagon! Added to that I then start worrying about heart health and everything goes pear shaped - including me! Not sure if I’ve posted in the right place but any encouraging words would be welcome. Thanks for reading.
newbie: I had a HA in 2017 and lost 4st... - Weight Loss Support

Hey Jo, don't beat yourself up about it. You're doing great.
You tried losing weight before and you did. Success!!
Job well done.
Most of us flip flop up and down the weighing scales.
Hi sobreviviente and thanks for your encouraging reply.
It sounds as if you may be on your own weight loss journey, and if that is the case, you may find some benefits in being a regular participant in this forum.
I've added a link to all the groups we have open at the moment. Have a look and please feel free to join in any of them. You will be made very welcome.
Best of luck 🍀

I would go back to what I did to shed that crazy amount of weight in 2017 as it clearly worked . Will power is the key . I would ask your GP for a programme of diet and exercise . If you are in the UK then check out something called the PARIS scheme which helps with rehab. It was my initial motivation as briefly it is access to a person who will chat , work out a person exercise programme via a heavily discounted gym membership for 6, 12 to 18 months then you are on your own . Sessions of focused exercise which progresses as you do but no booked appointments unless you want them as coach is normally around 2/3 days a week working generally at the venue .I had to be answerable to someone but needed help to carefully get better . Ask your GP to refer you .

Hi Jo1961
You've made a positive step in your journey posting and introducing yourself here.
The weight loss journey can have a lot of twists and turns, but we can certainly offer lots of peer support here.
I've added a link to all the groups we have open at the moment. Please join in, you will be made to feel welcome.
Everyone here has their own story to tell, and you will find lots of encouragement, tips and strategies to help you.
You have done it before, so I wish you all the best in achieving your goal again with the good people here for support.

Hi Jo1961
You've made a positive step in your journey posting and introducing yourself here.
The weight loss journey can have a lot of twists and turns, but we can certainly offer lots of peer support here.
I've added a link to all the groups we have open at the moment. Please join in, you will be made to feel welcome.
Everyone here has their own story to tell, and you will find lots of encouragement, tips and strategies to help you. You've had a great achievement yourself, 4stone is amazing, so I'm sure others will look to you for tips too.
You have done it before, so I wish you all the best in achieving your goal again with the good people here for support.

Good luck, you are among friends on here. You have done it before so you know what to do and that you can do it. You will get lots of support on here. X

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