weight loss: hello my name is Adele and... - Weight Loss Support

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21 Replies

hello my name is Adele and I am on a weight loss journey but need support and encouragement to stay on track. I am emotional eater so I’m trying to stay positive

21 Replies
N-o-r-d-i profile image

hello and very warm welcome to you. Glad to see that you made your way to this lovely forum where you will get a lot of support. You will find all sorts of eaters here :) I’m sure a big number of us can identify with emotional eating. We find that it helps to actively participate on the forum - you meet other people who are trying to solve similar problems and it’s always easier to do things together.

Please click around and you will find everything that you need in our Pinned posts: healthunlocked.com/weight-l...

Just let us know if you have any questions and hope to see you around!

in reply to N-o-r-d-i

thank you so much you gave some good ideas

Estellemac profile image

Hi AdeleI am a newbie to this forum but a longtimer when it comes to weight management. I can't get my weight under control either at the moment. I use the excuse it because I am unable to move much. I eat everything all the time.

It's finding activities to distract you when the urge to eat comes on when your feeling emotional about something. If you can go for a walk or empty a cupboard to tidy it up or make space. You feel much better after than you do if you succumb to the foodie devil on your shoulder.

in reply to Estellemac

hopefully we can both get some brilliant ideas on here to keep us focussed x

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to

Your right Reed1964🤞

I feel I’ve eaten too much today because I’m full? Tomorrow is a new start new day with a strong effort. I need to review my eating plan .

Lynne64 profile image
Lynne64Restart Jan 2024

Hiya. I used to be an emotional eater too. But after lots of reading and practice I learned 2 things that helped me stop. The first thing was that my 'emotional' eating, which started around 10 years ago, had now simply become an engrained ' habit' and one which could be broken. Secondly, I had to learn to just sit with difficult emotions and let them pass, as they always will. I learned that running to the cupboard as soon as I felt sad, stressed etc, didn't help me deal with my negative emotions. How could it? It only gave me a whole new set of negative emotions about my body to deal with!! All the very best. You'll get lots of support here

in reply to Lynne64

I think one of the hardest is emotional eating I often struggle but you have given me some good ideas thank you

Lynne64 profile image
Lynne64Restart Jan 2024 in reply to

There's a technique called RAIN, it's a mindfulness technique for helping you through difficult emotions when they arise. Have a wee Google. Perhaps not the meditation, if that's not your thing. Have a wee look at Google images, it breaks it down. I copied this onto A4 paper and popped it on the cupboard and fridge. It just helps you create that space between the 'thoughts/feelings' and reaching for food

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Lynne64

Thing is for me there’s nowt in my cupboards the fat controller has cleared them out. But there is bread and dried fruit. (Figs or Dates he can have in his porridge) I have to learn if not in my daily plan then step away and as you say they don’t provide comfort just remorse and add another day on to my goal for loosing lard.

Lynne64 profile image
Lynne64Restart Jan 2024 in reply to Estellemac

Fat controller?? Another thing that really helps me is my 'fancy' food diary that I complete at night. I practice lettering within it and wee colourful drawings and even stickers 😁 I can spend a good few hours on this activity at night and it's very therapeutic and it keeps me accountable. I live with and look after my mum. She has dementia and an extremely sweet tooth, so my cupboards are fully of my favourite chocs. I do allow myself something sweet on a Saturday and I'm managing to have just one bar of chocolate!

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Lynne64

The fat controller is my husband. He lost a lot of weight and keeps it off. He does suprise me now and again with a sweet treat. If I had anything in the cupboard I’d binge? His trick is to front load on porridge and have a small evening meal. Could be anything as well. I can’t adopt that plan? No reason other than my mindset. Got to change!! I like your food diary 🤔

Lynne64 profile image
Lynne64Restart Jan 2024 in reply to Estellemac

Binging is awful, isn't it. I haven't binged for well over a month now. I used to have to get up in the middle of the night for indigestion tablets and couldn't sleep on my side as I was always so uncomfortable. The food diary really helps me. Give it a wee go

Edge1234 profile image


I used to comfort or emotional eat too. I then made a list of six things that make me feel better as well as eating rubbish and now 80% of the time I find I can choose one of these instead of CE/EE. Mine are:

Have a soak in a bath

Do a foot spa

Go for a walk/run

Phone a friend/family member

Do a mini facial

Take myself off to bed to read my book

My CE/EE was almost exclusively in the evenings, you might suggest different activities during the day. For me this has worked, because I don’t think you need much time to reset your thinking - 10 minutes of distraction and you can better see CE/EE for what it is.

I hope you can conquer this soon - there is plenty written on this subject. If you would like any book recommendations just shout.

Best wishes x

in reply to Edge1234

some fantastic ideas I will use thank you so much

Estellemac profile image
Estellemac in reply to Edge1234

I need to avoid food and distract myself from anything food related. I’m stuck in the house at present waiting for a procedure on the sacroiliac joint. Hopefully I will be able to walk then and get out more. I will list my ideas for doing some other will distract me. Thanks

Edge1234 profile image
Edge1234Visitor in reply to Estellemac

Good luck with it all xx

in reply to Estellemac

so sorry hope you get operation soon

Sarahlou2990 profile image

Hi and welcome to the forum. I agree with a lot of others here. I struggle with binge eating disorder. And having a distraction when you feel the urge to comfort eat is a great way to deter eating out of boredom or comfort.If you can make a list of things you enjoy or can take your mind off eating unnecessarily that will help. Some of mine are going for a walk, or working out. Talking to a friend, having a bath, painting nails (can't eat when they wet), doing something with your hands. If you have any arts and crafts hobbies or play a musical instrument this is a great way to keep your hands busy =) x

in reply to Sarahlou2990

thank you

Estellemac profile image

I’m just lacking motivation at the moment. Hopefully all this support and the good suggestions will work to change my mindset.

Hectorsmum2 profile image

I have found a few things helpful with emotional eating. The main thing has been to attend overeaters anonymous and work the twelve steps, the others have been to learn mindfulness meditation so that I get used to sitting with myself rather than trying to avoid myself by eating and I have also found taking the herb 5htp ever so helpful.

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