As you know I'm running the weightloss forum this week so luckily have been paying better attention to messages and emails this week... So was really surprised to get a message about £600 I'd apparently spent in Waitrose - NO definitely not... Hopefully I have got it sorted but I am warning everyone to be especially aware of the scammers this week since it's Black Friday. And don't phone any numbers or click any links as they take you back to the scammers! I'm away to check my bank again just to make double sure... 🌈
Beware of Scams today: As you know I'm... - Weight Loss Support
Beware of Scams today
There's always a new one round the corner.
I recently got the WhatsApp one that's doing the rounds: "Hi Mum, my phone is broken and I can't contact my bank. Wil you .....?" It's news to me that I have a son or daughter
They just take a gamble because it sounds quite feasible when you actually have a son or daughter. I saw on tv about someone who had actually fallen for it 🙁
Yes, more than one, I think. I guess people feel pressured to act and don't take time to think
Yes I saw a piece on stephspacklunch poor lady! Couldn't get hold of her daughter so didn't realise it was a scam. 💔
Thank you Clematisa - yes there's a lot at mo, we've had at least 3 phone calls thus week about renewing maintenance agreements on our kitchen appliances. What? on stuff that's at least 11 years old?? Give over! I just put the phone down. Also I liked the warning this week that if something seems too good to be true it probably isnt.
Thanks for sharing and you definitely need to be really careful especially at this time of year.
Too right Sheendog can't take your eyes off the scammers for an instant.... they are always one step ahead
Hi Sheendog and thanks for your support. May I ask if you're still on your weight loss journey or just visiting? Either way it's lovely to have you back
Ooooh I'd love to have Sheendog come over to the weigh-in, it's never too late and we're always looking for new recruits or better still restarts. TheTabbyCat We were just saying that we need to blow our weightloss trumpets louder and harder to let folks know what brilliant work we're doing here. 💞 All will be made very welcome 🌈
Not at the moment but my plan is to start in the new year, thanks.
Thanks for the warning 🙂. Yeah, I got a phishing mail from "Norton" thanking me for renewing an account that I had cancelled 2 yrs ago. Reported it to the real Norton, but not before I called the CS number provided on the invoice. That's how I got suspicious. You're right. It's time set the alarms.