ONE DAY! I JUST WANT 1 make it through. Maybe if I repeat it enough it will get through to my brain. Not just keep it inside but put it outside where I see it, the words of it...that I want so badly. It happened 15 yrs. ago when I was in the same place and kept saying it "out there" and then it happened and I was ecstatic.
ONE DAY: ONE DAY! I JUST WANT... - Weight Loss Support

Replying to myself (since I don't have the hang of this site, yet).1st & most important my plan for today. Break the day up into segments. Usual oatmeal BK (love it). Planned lunch at noon. Noon to 3 segment, 3-6 segment (very tough one) planned dinner, 7-9 and then 9-11(snack RIGHT BEFORE) bedtime. Planning my activity for these times as well. As essential as the food I eat.
I’m by myself with this extremely important goal “Just One Day”. Breaking it up into segments. Have to wait till noon to eat. Discipline of waiting HUGE, for it ‘s the same behavior control as what and how much I eat. Trying to remind myself about the how I eat as well. I’m usually so ravenous, surprised at it myself. Also important that I enjoy my choice for it to satisfy. What a challenge. Yes, “the devil is in the details “for me anyway.