I’ve alwAys been slightly overweight but a few years ago had to address my diet for health reasons. I’ve put on a stone during last lockdown and found it almost impossible to lose. Last week I saw a post on here where someone was experiencing the same difficulties. I decided to try low carb and I restricted fats. Organised food accordingly but felt a bit sick the first day. BUT the inability to stop snacking in the evenings, which I’ve always put down to emotional eating, disappeared that day. So I wondered if it’s been the missing fat that has been the problem. So I switched back to limiting calories but included some butter snd cream in the total calories. So far this seems to work and I’ve had much more control over eating . I’ve lost about 4lb so far. My weight is important fir several health reasons so just hope this continues. I’m very grateful fir the advice given last week. Hope everyone is doing well
I am surprised !: I’ve alwAys been... - Weight Loss Support
I am surprised !

Hi RosyG, well done on spotting something that works for you. It doesnt matter how we do it as long as we are eating enough, enjoying it, and its sustainable. Tweaking different things and assessing the results will get you there 😊
Just as a side note though, if you lower your carb intake you do need to make sure you get enough fats. The Diet Doctor website explains it all 😊

Hi, it's amazing how low carb stops the hunger and need for snacking isn't it? I love it !
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Welcome to the club, rosyG! Glad you found us.

You should find that you don't need to restrict calories but change which foods give you those calories. If you can give up bread and sugar but make the calories up with fats like butter and cream you'll loose weight and your urge to snack should be reduced. I know it sounds counterintuative but the reason is that the building blocks of fat in your blood is made in your liver from sugar.