Hello everyone!
I really struggle to loose my belly fat. I manage to loose weight when I stay in track of my weight loss goal. But for me it’s so hard to see my waist line going down. I know there is no easy path but I would like to hear your experiences, success stories or whatever your experiences are !!
For me my hurdles are
1. My age. I turned 40! So hormone plays a role.
2. I got my two babies by c-section.
3. My diet which used to be earlier mainly carb based.
4. Stress which I used to get a lot.
5. Overeating which was a big issue at one point in my life.
For 3,4,5 I took corrective measures, I do 30mins workout at home almost everyday. But I don’t see any happy news for my waist-line.
How do you find it?