Why do I get the munchies about 8/9pm in the evening. How can I stop reaching for a late snack ?
How can I stop reaching for a late eve... - Weight Loss Support
How can I stop reaching for a late evening snack ?

Hi Macaroons, I suggest that you plan your food for the next day and maybe share your plans with the Daily Diary. You'll find the DD in the pinned posts.
I'm also wondering if you're eating enough during the day. Make a rule that when your dinner's over everything gets put away and the kitchen is off limits.
Have you tried writing in our Daily Diary? It helps me to write in there and have a chat with other members in the evening so that I don't have time to go back to the kitchen.

Plan something for the times you find difficult - or a variety of things. From taking a walk (I often walk at that time of night) to doing something crafty if you like that, reading a good book, doing a jigsaw ... something specific you can turn to when your mind wanders in the wrong direction.
Or come here and chat to people and check out how they are doing.
Firstly, I would say don't buy carby snacks. Snacking is a habit, and all habits can be broken, it just takes a little while. We don't need to eat between meals if we eat enough at mealtimes.
If you have to have snacks in the house for the rest of the family, keep them somewhere different, away from the kitchen. I find if the Christmas cake (which I am still trying to avoid!) is kept out in the utility room rather than in the kitchen, it's a case of out of sight, out of mind, and if it does pop into my mind, I have time to question whether I really want it or not, and if it's really worth it.
I keep my husbands goodies in a drawer in the pantry and forget they are there, I definately agree out of sight. I also find a polo mint or pandrop can sometimes take the urge away if something sweet craving
Aw I feel you Macaroons , I came up with the solution of - as I wear retainers to quite literally brush my teeth and floss and put my retainers in after dinner. It sometimes prevents me from eating anything more after dinner and if I do eat I have to brush my teeth again so I normally can’t be bothered to do that haha so I just don’t eat! X

That's a great idea. I find brushing my teeth works too - I use a really strong brand which tastes disgusting, definitely don't want to eat after that or brush again! 🤣
I am new to this site but I have a options drink if an evening this has curbed my snacking
Great idea Mydog12 😀
Sometimes thirst is masked as hunger so a drink in the evening may well help 👍
Hello and welcome Mydog12.
I hope you enjoy being a part of things here. Posting and chatting on a regular basis will certainly help you feel a part of things, and make you feel involved and supported. So do have a look around the other posts where people are chatting and feel free post there too.
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Wishing you all the best.