Daily Diary for Friday 16 October 2020 - Weight Loss Support

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Daily Diary for Friday 16 October 2020

โ€ข157 Replies

Welcome to the Daily Diary this is were we tell each other out meal plan for the day. This is to help us on our way to healthier eating. It helps us to stay on tract by telling others our plan, as once it s written down you more likely to stick to it. Others can also see and nick our menu. Gives us ideas of what to eat. If you can tell us what plan you are doing either LCHF or calorie counting.

Other members can and do give us Their opinion. Any thing that is said is said with no malice. It is up to you if you use it or not.

If you are new to the Daily Diary we welcome you. If you feel able tell us a little about yourself. Read what others do and follow suit. You will soon get used to it.

This is a voluntary forum and we just ask that you answer some of the fellow post. As many as you feel able to.

My meals for Friday are.

First thing Coffee

Breakfast Mixed berries with Greek yogurt.

Dinner Cauliflower cheese.

Tea. Fish with mushy peas.

I will walk Roxie first thing and in the afternoon. The usual tidy round ready for the weekend.

I will be here on and of today. As these last few days I had to ration myself on the iPad as I have had a bad migraine which stared tues. it is a lot easier now.

As things are getting difficult again with the virus and more and more places are going into stricter rules including London. So my friends keep your self save and take care. ๐Ÿ˜Š

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157 Replies
moreless profile image
morelessAdministrator7 stone

Thanks for posting Caroline :)

FairyTales profile image

That's so true, dear Caroline62. The best part of morning is coffee and in my case it is tea with ginger and FF.

Sorry to know about migraines. I know the feeling. I know some ppl get relief from meditation. May be you can give a try.

This will be day 4 of OMAD and I'll be treating myself with cherry tomatoes and lettuce with eggs prepared in chillie chutney with veggies. Back to walk with Mr.FT.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong13st 7lbs in reply to FairyTales

Hello FairyTales Hope you are well and enjoy your walking and eating. You are in the zone! xx

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Hopalong1

All good Hop. Yes, Walks and eating routine is helping me stay focused on targets. Best wishes to you, always !! :)

Greendream123 profile image
Greendream123 in reply to FairyTales

Have a good day and enjoy your meal!

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Greendream123

Thank you, Green. Best wishes :)

Maisie48 profile image
Maisie487lbs in reply to FairyTales

Have a great day tomorrow FairyTales. ๐Ÿ˜Š

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Maisie48

Great day to you too, Maisie48 !!

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to FairyTales

Your doing great with your OMAD FT. I had cherry tomato today, it was lovely :)

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to lucigret

Great ! cherry tomatoes are really yummy. and I like it better with guacamole :)

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to FairyTales

I have avoided the mostly over the past 4 weeks, I did have a couple a few days ago. Who thought I would get excited at the thought of a tomato ๐Ÿ˜‚

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to FairyTales

Have you planned a set number of OMAD days? Your meal for tomorrow sounds quite tasty.

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Peachy40

Hey Peachy, for now it is just 3 days and Friday will be 4th. I haven't planned it yet but I want to keep going as much as I can. My thought is if this is helping me meet my target and I'm able to take it without feel weak or having any other issues, it should be fine to continue.

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to FairyTales

Ah okay. That's fair enough. Good luck with day 4!

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to FairyTales

I do like cherry or baby plum tomatoes, they seem to taste better than the big ones these days somehow!

in reply to FairyTales

Hello FairyTales. You seem to be getting on well with your OMAD. All the best.๐Ÿ˜Š

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to

yeah, I'm on day 4 :) and a small victory is my mum could see change in my waist line. She said, yes you have reduced from your waist.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong13st 7lbs

Hello, Thank you for hosting, Caroline62. Sorry to hear you have been unwell. Lovely food to make you better. Have had a challenging week, but seemed to turn a corner this afternoon, hope-I-hopa :) Looking to be low carbish

B Coffee and double cream

D Sausage something...garlic, kidney beans, mushrooms, pepper, chilli pepper, broccoli and onion. Maybe stewed Bramley apple and Greek yogurt

T Scrambled eggs and smoked salmon with chives and a green salad

Walking and a bit of shopping. Have a great Friday! :)

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Hopalong1

Nice food. Are kidney beans low carbs. I can add it to my list.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong13st 7lbs in reply to FairyTales

No, not at all low carb. You have me rushing to the tracker to see if I am under 150g of carbs. Half a cup 55g.

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Hopalong1

Ahh sorry about that !! I just wanted to see if I can include in my diet.

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Hopalong1

Which tracker you prefer. I just red 40grams of beans contains 25grams of net carbs....so you shd be good with it.

Hopalong1 profile image
Hopalong13st 7lbs in reply to FairyTales

I use Track my food on Fitbit. I love my Fitbit. Definitely makes me walk just that bit further :)

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Hopalong1


Greendream123 profile image
Greendream123 in reply to Hopalong1

Enjoy, your dinner sounds very interesting/filling!

Maisie48 profile image
Maisie487lbs in reply to Hopalong1

Oooh - lovely tasty meals for tomorrow Hopalong. Keep that corner turned and have a great day. ๐Ÿ˜Š

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Hopalong1

Food sounds lovely Hopalong :)

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Hopalong1

Can't beat sausage something! or indeed sausage anything... ;-)

in reply to Hopalong1

Thank you Hopalong1. Glad you have turned a corner with your challenges. Life gets in the way.

Enjoy your lovely food. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Greendream123 profile image

Hope you feel better tomorrow Caroline62, I end up with migraines when staring at work screens for too long, have to remind myself to take breaks!

My day was good, ended up with a delicious, improvised dinner of cous cous with 3 veg and soya chunks mixed in, plus roast root veg, raw spinach and avocado slices. I used fry light with a drizzle of olive oil.

Tomorrow (12:12 & healthy eating):

B: probably a smoothie

L: leftover cous cous/veg with avocado and cherry tomatoes

D: leftover roast root veg, not sure what with (something quick)

S: oaty pumpkin 'cake,' fruit

E: home workout, school walks

Have a good Friday!

Maisie48 profile image
Maisie487lbs in reply to Greendream123

Tasty meals tomorrow - with a reminder to me for roast root veg (on my menu now!)

Have a great Friday. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to Greendream123

Leaving out the tomatoes, lunch sounds lovely. What is this oaty pumpkin cake? Are you mixing oats with pumpkin?

Greendream123 profile image
Greendream123 in reply to Peachy40

I experimental and baked oats, steamed pumpkin, dates, banana, a few cashews and a sprinkle of coconut into 6 mini cupcake cases. They're not sweet but not bitter so go well with something spread lightly on top! My 9 year old ate one so they can't be that bad!

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to Greendream123

Everything in it is delicious, so putting it together can't be that bad either!


FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Greendream123

wow - I love home workouts. What do you include in it. I normally do yoga - Sun Salutations.

Greendream123 profile image
Greendream123 in reply to FairyTales

I usually do a Chloe Ting video (Youtube), I find them quite tough but she does include low intensity versions of all the HIIT moves! Yoga sounds good :)

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Greendream123

Lunch sounds a bit like one of my fridge surprise salads! Have a good one!

in reply to Greendream123

Thank you a lot better now Greendream. Very happy to hear you are doing well. Enjoy the school walks and your food looks good. Cous cous is on my menu for 1 day next week. Take care. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Maisie48 profile image

Evening Caroline and thank you for hosting. So sorry you have been suffering with a migraine. Your food looks very tasty.

Enjoy your walks with Roxie tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Maisie48 profile image
Maisie487lbs in reply to Maisie48

Sorry - forgot to post my meals!

B - overnight Oats, natural yogurt and frozen summer fruits

D - Fish with roasted root veg

T - Parsnip and red onion soup, w/m ryvitas

Snacks - Banana with w/m ryvitas

Good dog walk tomorrow.

Have a great day tomorrow. ๐Ÿ˜Š

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Maisie48

soup seems yumm !!

Greendream123 profile image
Greendream123 in reply to FairyTales

That sounds like a great menu, especially lunch!

in reply to Maisie48

I would forget my head sometimes. I myself blame getting old. ๐Ÿคฃ Enjoy your lovely food. I know you will enjoy the dog walking I do. ๐Ÿ˜Š

in reply to Maisie48

Thank you Maisie. I am a lot better. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Progressoverperfect profile image
ProgressoverperfectHostRestart June 2024

Good evening I hope I find everyone well, this week has been a learning curve, with regards to LCHF, but I'm sticking with it. Knowledge is power as they say ๐Ÿ˜‰ I've changed my grocery shopping day from Friday to Monday so im looking forward to relaxing after work tomorrow.

I've noticed my thirst has increased considerably these past few days, I must remember to just have water and notvsugar infested still lemonade!!! The carbs are just not worth it!!

Food for tomorrow looks like this:

First thing: cup of coffee

Breakfast ( at work) blueberries and strawberries with FF Greek Yogurt

Lunch: ham and egg salad

Tea: chicken tray bake ( chicken thighs, onion, peppers, courgette, cauliflower)

Exercise: dog walk after work

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Progressoverperfect

nice menu! you can add mint in water with lemonade to make it minty.

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to Progressoverperfect

I used to add a slice of lime in my water. Then I ran out of lime and forgot all about it! ๐Ÿ˜‚ ๐Ÿคฃ Great menu for tomorrow.

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Progressoverperfect

A tray bake is just a great way of cooking.

You could try sparkling water instead of sugar laden drinks. Flavour with orange, lemon or lime slices, or look for cold Infusions. I found one that is kid friendly and it adds a nice flavour๐Ÿ˜Š

Greendream123 profile image
Greendream123 in reply to Progressoverperfect

Sounds great. I used to only drink lemon or lime water but have got into the routine of just plain water now. My partner buys still lemonade sometimes though and you can find less sugary ones which use apple for sweetness, probably still not low carbs though.

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023 in reply to Progressoverperfect

my favourite breakfast.

Love the sound of the traybake.

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Progressoverperfect

ooo, nice menu! I've noticed my thirst has increased too since starting to run, think it may be that. I have stopped buying fizzy drinks (except on the weekends my daughter is with me) and now stick to water with chunks of lemon and/or lime in, or weak squash.

in reply to Progressoverperfect

Yes it is ridiculous how many carbs are hidden in these things. We are learning daily. You have lovely food there enjoy. Also the dog walk keep save. ๐Ÿ˜Š

lucigret profile image

Hello Caroline, I am sorry to hear that you are suffering with a migraine, they really are awful. I am also sorry to hear that London is heading to enter Tier 2 this weekend. I suppose we have to look at the positives, at least you can still get outside and maybe meet up with a friend outside, weather permitting. This is going to stop my daughter being able to come home again. We shall just have to meet up somewhere when we can. I keep telling my self nothing can last for ever, although this is beginning to feel like for ever! We have been much luckier than some, especially those living up North.

I love the sound of your food and would eat all of it except mushy peas, I have never understood how anybody could enjoy mushy peas. Dad loves them.

I am still following TAT's 4 week plan LCFH, keeping the carbs low and IF

Lunch will be cheese, pepperoni and salad

Dinner is Chilli on a bed of buttered cabbage

Have a great Friday everybody :)

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to lucigret

Buttered cabbage...so yummy. This is new for me. I will try this one on Saturday.

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to FairyTales

I cook it in butter. Place butter in pan and melt on a low heat, add the cabbage and put a lid on so that it steams, stir a few times, it is just the best way to eat cabbage :)

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to lucigret

wow ! simple and tasty cabbage.

Progressoverperfect profile image
ProgressoverperfectHostRestart June 2024 in reply to lucigret

I may have to try that, do you use any particular make of cabbage?

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Progressoverperfect

I prefer sweetheart (pointed).

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023 in reply to lucigret

Sweetheart is my favourite too.

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to lucigret

Lucigret the buttered cabbage sounds divine.

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to ScoutyPat

It really is ๐Ÿ˜

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to lucigret

Lunch sounds awesome! Sounds very much like one of my fridge surprise salads... Dinner sounds good too apart from the cabbage, sadly years of being served something up which had been boiled to death and looked like the aftermath of a heavy cold (and tasted similar) means that even the smell of cabbage now turns my stomach. My late mother would probably have just put her cabbage and sprouts for Christmas dinner on about now...

in reply to Cp1965


lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to Cp1965


I hated boiled cabbage and didnโ€™t eat cabbage for many years. Believe it or not, cooking it in butter, it doesnโ€™t smell and doesnโ€™t look like the aftermath of a heavy cold, honest. Be brave and have a go. You could eat it raw in coleslaw ๐Ÿ˜

in reply to lucigret

My daughter cannot come home from her place as she is high risk. What with her weight and living with others. We talk every day on messenger. My grandson can come as he is classed as my bubble has I live on my own.

He did well with painting in the bathroom. Although I will not let him do my bedroom. I think that is a step too far. It may have been the smell of the paint that brought the head on. Paint to cover up a water stain really had a strong smell. Yes the north has been much worse this time around. My brother so far as been lucky, he is on the outskirts of Leeds.

Mushy peas are a Yorkshire thing that goes with fish and chips with lots of vinegar on. Mmmmm.

Lovely food luci and enjoy. Keep save. ๐Ÿ˜Š

lucigret profile image
lucigret in reply to

Oh Caroline, life is just hard for us all! Your daughter will be missing you. Great that you can have some company with your grandson and even better that he has been helpful๐Ÿ˜Š

We have no idea what to do with our son. His home re opens on 2/11. I think we just have to wait and see!!!

Hope youโ€™re feeling better ๐Ÿ˜Šx

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone

Hi Caroline62

Thanks for hosting considering the migraine. Hope it gets better soon. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

I rarely have hot drinks and when I do, it's a cup of tea at night ๐ŸŒƒ.

I didn't get a chance to post today. I was out with friends on Wednesday evening and was sensible with my meal; a lovely salmon fillet with baby potatoes. Had a glass of prosecco ๐Ÿฅ‚ and two single vodkas with tonic. I hadn't seen my friends since March, so there was lots to catch up on. Such a great evening.

Today, for dinner, we did burgers ๐Ÿ”. They were pretty delicious ๐Ÿ˜‹ and the girls felt it was a nice treat. Might look to do it once a fortnight.

I'm calorie counting at 1500 per day.

B: mango with greek yogurt ๐Ÿฅญ

L: either salmon or sea bass with savoy cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower ๐Ÿ 

D: out with a friend (before London's Tier 2 kicks in). I might go for lamb or a steak. ๐Ÿฅฉ

S: dark chocolate ๐Ÿซ

Ex: hopefully a morning run ๐Ÿƒ๐Ÿพโ€โ™€๏ธ (I haven't been doing them on mornings, but my daughters have a day off school tomorrow so I'm not as restricted to a schedule). Fingers crossed ๐Ÿคž๐Ÿพ it's not raining.

We were planning to visit my grandmum this weekend, but the restrictions have really put a damper on that! ๐Ÿ˜” I've gotten her a tablet so that we can do video calls instead of just the voice ones...so will at least drop that off.

It's getting tough out there so stay safe everyone!

*Update from last night's post....my exercise has changed from running to swimming. โ˜บ

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Peachy40

Happy to know you enjoyed with friends. We all have missed meeting our friends and family for a long time. We have also started going out. Sorry to know you cannot meet your grandma...good that you guys can do video chats.

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to FairyTales

Just listening to the news now and I realise technically she's considered part of our support bubble as she lives alone...so it may not be all bad! I'm going to check with her and my mum. See what they think. ๐Ÿ™๐Ÿพ

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to Peachy40

sounds good!

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to Peachy40

Menu sounds lovely. The restrictions do make it tough, but techology is wonderful, we have issued grandma with a tablet and she amazes me how well she has adapted to using it. So hope your grandmum finds the same.

Happy weekend.

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to ScoutyPat

She should be okay with it. Good on your grandma too! โ˜บ

Progressoverperfect profile image
ProgressoverperfectHostRestart June 2024 in reply to Peachy40

I know what you mean, even before the possibility of going into tier 3, my area was on tighter restrictions and we haven't been able to meet anyone from another household indoors or outdoors for months, going into tier 2 actually relaxed our restrictions.!! Its all very confusing and I think many people have now got 'pandemic fatigue ' .

Hope you get out for your run and fingers crossed it keeps fine. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to Progressoverperfect

Yes, it's very rare I listen to anything regarding the pandemic these days. I still wfh and I shop online, so in fact I hardly go anywhere ๐Ÿ˜‚.

So regarding my run...can't. Didn't realise it going to be just me and the girls this morning. ๐Ÿ™„.

I have swimming ๐ŸŠ๐Ÿฟ later though, which I always seem to forget.

Manchegaenlondres profile image
Manchegaenlondres in reply to Peachy40

Well done for getting some special time with your friends and a food treat with your daughters. We all need cheering up every now and then, particularly these days. Hope you can meet your gran as part of the support bubble. Take care.

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023 in reply to Peachy40

Glad you had a nice time with your friends and hopefully you will get to set your grandma up for video calls.

i might get mango tomorrow to go with my greek yoghurt.

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to jd65

Mango is lovely with greek yogurt. Add in some blueberries too!

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Peachy40

Nice day's menu, hope things work out for you over the weekend and you get to see your gran in some form or another.

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to Cp1965

We're going to try to see her on Sunday seeing that we're still allowed support bubbles. โ˜บ

in reply to Peachy40

Itโ€™s good to have some time with friends after so long. Hopefully it will not be so long before you see them again. Swimming is a good alternative to running. So enjoy. Yes in London it starts again today. Itโ€™s stopped my daughter from coming to see me. Fab food there Peachy. Enjoy time with friend tonight. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to

I was knackered at swimming today!

Very annoying that you're not able to see your daughter. The trouble is...you just don't know how long this will last.

smartoak profile image
smartoakRestart May 2024

Hi all, unusual long day planned for me tomorrow, so unusual for me no plan, just nutrition to get through the day.

B: tea, brezel, butter

L: boiled eggs, carrot salad, leftover roast pumpkin and seeds

D: sandwich or pastie on the road, water

TGI Friday!

FairyTales profile image
FairyTales in reply to smartoak

Hey Smartoak, TGIF :)

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to smartoak

Definitely TGIF, it's been a long week.

Manchegaenlondres profile image
Manchegaenlondres in reply to smartoak

Sounds busy, hope you have a restful weekend then smartoak.

What is brezel? Just curious...

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to smartoak

I wish they didn't keep sticking those extra Wednesdays in, there have been at least 3 this week! TGI Friday indeed, especially as I'm off next week :-D

in reply to smartoak

Hope your day goes well. Take care smartoak ๐Ÿ˜Š

ScoutyPat profile image

Thanks for hosting Caroline62 and I love the Pooh Bear picture. Hope the migrane stays away and you caught it in time before it causes a problem.

Almost to the end of week 11 NHS plan for me, work day Friday so looking forward to my time with my year 11 students and probably a short walk lunch time to get some daylight time outside as I hate the darker, longer evenings.

Tea first thing

B= pear and yoghurt (break time)

S= rice cracker, nuts

D= teriyaki salmon and stirfry veg. Fruit

Probably have a small whisky in the evening

Manchegaenlondres profile image
Manchegaenlondres in reply to ScoutyPat

Your dinner sounds really yummy! Hope you have a great day with your students. Iโ€™m beginning to light candles in the evening to beat the gloomy darkness of the evening.

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to Manchegaenlondres


Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to ScoutyPat

Ohhh, what a great dinner! ๐Ÿ˜‹ I saw a poster on Wednesday about apple JD whiskey. I'm not a whiskey drinker, but I did wonder if that's a good mix.

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to Peachy40

Apple JD whiskey.... not so sure on that, but may investigate

Peachy40 profile image
Peachy40Maintainer2 stone in reply to ScoutyPat

Yep...on offer with a tenner off if you're in the UK. โ˜บ

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023 in reply to ScoutyPat

It's at the stage where its dark when I start work and getting dark when i finish. I'm working at home next to a floor to ceiling window so at least I get light during the day. I've never been a whisky drinker but the smell does remind me of colder weather and winter.

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to jd65

Definitely a winter drink

Tank_EG profile image
Tank_EGMaintainer7 stone in reply to ScoutyPat

Morning ScoutyPat,

lovely looking food ๐Ÿ˜€

I don't mind the longer evenings - a nice walk with Tilly, fire up the wood burner and settle down in front of the telly with a hot drink - heaven ๐Ÿ˜€

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to Tank_EG

That sounds awesome

Loraine518 profile image
Loraine5182 stone in reply to ScoutyPat

Morning ScoutyPat, I hate the darker, longer evenings and dread having to walk the dogs in the dark.

Your dinner sounds lovely, I had salmon last night.

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to Loraine518

Thanks Lorraine518.

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to ScoutyPat

I'll be round for dinner... just a small whisky for me too ;-)

kjkla85 profile image
kjkla85 in reply to ScoutyPat

Lunchtime walks sounds great and so does your dinner. Enjoy

in reply to ScoutyPat

Yes the dark nights are with us now ScoutyPat. Hope you get out at lunch time. Enjoy your fab food and keep save. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Good morning Caroline, I so much agree with you on coffee. Here I am bright and early having the first one of the day. Hope it carries me through the day working in a pressurised environment at school, where lots of staff off isolating because of a few COVID cases. Lots of extra measures making everyone really exhausted๐Ÿ˜“

Hope your migraines disappear soon, I know they are no fun.

My meals are not very exciting today, but scraping the bottom of the barrel before weekly shopping and too tired to cook tonight.

I follow NHS calorie counting and try to reduce carbs

Aim: 1400-1700 calories daily

Exercise: I follow the C25K model, running 3 days a week and aiming to walk at least 6000 steps each day. Have not been very good lately and done no runs for a while, but a lot of walking daily.

B: 1 weetabix with blueberries and milk+ coffee

L: vegetable leftover soup + apple

D: Will be a Thai curry, but not exactly sure what

Wishing you all a good day. Take care and find ways to brighten your days in these dark times. I always try to think of something to be grateful for each day.๐Ÿ™‹๐Ÿปโ€โ™€๏ธ

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to Manchegaenlondres

Have a great day too. Love your idea of finding something to be grateful for each day

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023 in reply to Manchegaenlondres

A Thai curry is great whatever's in it.

Tank_EG profile image
Tank_EGMaintainer7 stone in reply to Manchegaenlondres

Morning Manchegaenlondres,

loving the look of your food ๐Ÿ˜€

All the best with C25K and I hope you get back on track with the runs. I'm just about to complete week 3 and loving it at the moment

Loraine518 profile image
Loraine5182 stone in reply to Manchegaenlondres

Lovely idea thinking of something to be grateful for each day.

Thai curry sounds perfect for these colder days.

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Manchegaenlondres

Hope you have a good day. C25K has been brilliant for me, this time last year I hadn't run further than the bus stop for 30 odd years, last weekend I did my first 10k!

kjkla85 profile image
kjkla85 in reply to Manchegaenlondres

School sounds really tough, but you must tally up loads of steps there - and thats just enough sometimes. Enjoy your dinner tonight and have a restful weekend

in reply to Manchegaenlondres

I am not working and I sometimes donโ€™t feel like cooking. That may be because I am my own. ๐Ÿคฃmore often than not left overs are often the best. Enjoy. Hope you get the shopping done with no problems. Take care. ๐Ÿ˜Š

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023

Good morning Hidden .

That picture is me with my coffee - keeping my hands warm - although I'm wearing trousers.

Being in Wales I'm waiting to see if we're going to have a circuit breaker and what that means. We're already in local lockdown even though our numbers haven't peaked any where near as high as other areas in lockdown. So I'm just confused by where it's all going.

Cupboards are looking a bit bare for lunch as we aren't going shopping until tomorrow and I've run out of cheese , eggs & salad so will have to open a tin of soup or resort to a ham sandwich with my OH.

B. greek yoghurt, nuts and berries

L. ham sandwich or soup

D. slow cooker beef goulash, green vegetables, carrot & potato mash.

Have a great day.

Tank_EG profile image
Tank_EGMaintainer7 stone in reply to jd65

Morning jd65,

๐Ÿคžregarding covid restrictions were you are.

Food looks tasty even if it is the remnants of your cupboards ๐Ÿ˜€

Loraine518 profile image
Loraine5182 stone in reply to jd65

It is so confusing at the moment with all the different guidelines depending on where you live. We are in a med risk area at present, so not too bad, but hoping to go out to a vineyard for lunch with my son and DIL and my daughter. But as they both have babies, who count in our 6, not sure what will happen yet.

Enjoy your food today, which sounds good despite running out of the usual staples.

jd65 profile image
jd655lbsRestart Oct 2023 in reply to Loraine518

For us the children under 11 don't count towards the 6 .

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to jd65

Not a bad cuoboard raid menu.

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to jd65

Sometimes the remnants in the fridge or cupboard come together nicely, sounds like this is one of those days! Enjoy it all!

kjkla85 profile image
kjkla85 in reply to jd65

Food soups lovely so hope you enjoy your lunch. Fingers crossed for the covid update near you

in reply to jd65

The food looking good even if it is scrapping the last bits indoors. So enjoy. We go to the level high today. In London. Take care. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to jd65

I hope we have a circuit breaker where I am as I am not confident that other measures are working. Today in a jewellers we saw not only staff without masks but also all the customers. It is a shop with all glass front so it was blatant ๐Ÿ™„ and really disappointing. The town I am in has really low numbers but, the borough I live in does not and we are in tier 2. The jewellers is in an area that is looking at going into tier 3. We can only do what is expected of ourselves and keep safe.

Reving profile image
Reving2st 7lbs in reply to jd65

Beef goulash sounds good especially as it gets colder.

kjkla85 profile image

Morning all and thanks for hosting Caroline62. I love the pic! Sorry to hear about your migraine, hope you feel better today.

I'm aiming for lchf and around 2000cals. Have lost another 2lb this week so am very pleased. Starting my new role at work next week so feeling apprehensive about that, but will try to plan in advance so at least food is a bit easy. Am going to make some seeded crackers later i think.

B - after zumba - might go for cauliflower hashbrowns, bacon, egg and tomato

L - maybe coffee with cream or some chicken salad depending on how hungry I am.

D - burger and salad. I think the husband wants takeaway - so i am probably going to have a burger with salad and not eat the bun.

Its Friday so will share a bottle of something and probably have a little dark chocolate๐Ÿซ

E - just about to start zumba class

Have a good day all

ScoutyPat profile image
ScoutyPat in reply to kjkla85

Enjoy the zumba

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to kjkla85

Nice day's menu! I make my own keto bread now, had a burger on that last night - very tasty although I do say so myself!

kjkla85 profile image
kjkla85 in reply to Cp1965

Yeah I do have some keto bread and buns in the freezer so could get one out and swap it or something. Wanted a homemade one but have to compromise sometimes dont we :)

in reply to kjkla85

You have it all well planned kjkla. Well done on the loss this week. Enjoy and keep save. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to kjkla85

Cauliflower hash browns sound interesting, are they similar to potato ones?

Loraine518 profile image
Loraine5182 stone

Good morning Caroline, thanks for hosting, I sympathise with the migraines as I have suffered with one this week too and tried to limit my time on the computer, glad to hear it is easing now.

My week has been very busy and I have managed OMAD most days this week, which I am happy about and the scales have been kinder the last few weeks, since starting on TAT's 4 week plan.

Busy day again today, back to back work calls, till mid afternoon, then will try to walk the dogs, before going to pick up daughter and grandson for an appointment late afternoon.

I am following LCHF, OMAD (weekday), IF(Weekends) and no alcohol

Dinner today is a takeaway, not sure what yet, but it will fit my plan as much as possible

Drinks Tea, black coffee and trying to drink more water

Exercise Yoga and walking the dogs if I get time

Happy Friyay everyone ๐Ÿ™‚

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Loraine518

Definitely sounds like a busy day! Hope you find something tasty for dinner.

in reply to Loraine518

You definitely do have a busy day Loraine. Enjoy your dinner what ever you have. Stay safe. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Loraine518

Snap on dinner Loraine, so long as it's in plan, no worries I say ๐Ÿ™‚

Tank_EG profile image
Tank_EGMaintainer7 stone

Morning all and thanks to Caroline62 for hosting today's DD - hoping you're feeling better ๐Ÿ˜€

My food today looks like:

B: Cereal

L: Melon with ham, apple & banana

D: HM Chicken korma, yoghurt for dessert

E: I've had my morning walk and will walk Tilly later today

Have a great day everyone

Cp1965 profile image
Cp196541kg in reply to Tank_EG

Can't beat a HM curry! I make one about once a fortnight, usually do either a tikka masala or a Madras, and prefer them to ready meals or pre-packaged sauces...

Tank_EG profile image
Tank_EGMaintainer7 stone in reply to Cp1965

I still use a spice pot but otherwise the rest is down to me.

I'm looking forward to having the time to be more creative but for now this strikes a happy balance between convenience and knowing exactly what is going into the curry ๐Ÿ˜€

Rabbit81 profile image
Rabbit812lbsRestart Jan 2024 in reply to Tank_EG

That all sounds lovely! I love a good hm curry. Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š

in reply to Tank_EG

I also have had morning walk with Roxie and will have another one later.

Head is a lot better thank you .Just left feeling tied. Fab food love a curry myself. Have a fab day Tank. ๐Ÿ˜Š

Reving profile image
Reving2st 7lbs in reply to Tank_EG

Tank that. 3st 7lbs is a great achievement

Cp1965 profile image

Morning all. Confession time, one of my staff brought cake in yesterday to celebrate his birthday and I succumbed... only a small piece though. I have donned sackcloth and ashes for the day.

Today's plan started well, but... as usual, I filled my coffee flask for my train journey, screwed the lid on and shook it to distribute the milk, that was when I discovered I had cross-threaded the lid, resulting in a trip to the bedroom for a clean shirt and a quick wipe of the worktop and mop of the floor, chucked my flask and water bottle in my bag, and discovered that my lunchbox is still in my kitchen!

So, today looks like being a trip to M&S up the road for whatever salad they have on the shelf for lunch...

Dinner will be something teenage girl friendly as my daughter is staying with me for half term week, as I need to pay a call to Mr Sainsbury this evening I'll let her choose. Thinking of something fishy though, may steer her towards the fish counter... I have some oven chips in which she can have, and I may do myself some courgette fries and garden peas. Exercise will be my usual walking to and from the station, plus a walk up the road for lunch and an amble round the supermarket, also trying to do a bit of upper body exercise in an attempt to tone the saggy bits!

Have a good one all, and hope to see some of you on the Saturday weigh-in tomorrow.

Rabbit81 profile image
Rabbit812lbsRestart Jan 2024 in reply to Cp1965

Well done for only having a small piece of cake! I find that sometimes the name of the game is to just do better than you used to, rather than be 'perfect' all the time, which no one can achieve. Material point: don't beat yourself up too much for a one-off slip-up. If it's happening regularly, well sure, then it's time to reassess, but I defy anyone to find even one person on here who hasn't done the same.

Sorry to hear about your morning fiasco. How frustrating! At least it's the weekend, eh? ๐Ÿ˜… Hope your daughter decides on something good for dinner! Enjoy! ๐Ÿ˜Š

Tank_EG profile image
Tank_EGMaintainer7 stone in reply to Cp1965

Good to see a level of contrition and confession is good for the soul ๐Ÿคฃ

Seriously though I agree with Rabbit81, we still have to live life and that means we are allowed to enjoy treats like cake ๐Ÿ˜€

Hoping this morning doesn't set a precedent for the rest of your day ๐Ÿคž

in reply to Cp1965

Oh no thatโ€™s not a good start to the day. It can only get better. I am sure M&S will have something good for you. It will be good having your daughter with you during half term. Enjoy and hope the rest of the day goes well.

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Cp1965

Small piece of cake sounds like a nice treat. I know make sure cake is much smaller than I used to have but, I haven't stopped it entirely as life does bring cake sometimes!

Rabbit81 profile image
Rabbit812lbsRestart Jan 2024

Thanks for hosting Caroline. Sorry to hear you've been struggling with migraines this week; that can't be fun. Love the picture, though!

I'm on LC these days, as best as possible. Today's a bit tricky, though, as I have a first date tonight, so I don't know how that's going to play out other than having a drink or two.

But, as far as I shall try, the menu today will be:

Breakfast: Bacon, egg, tea with cream, water

Lunch: Prawn salad, water

Dinner: Hopefully fishcakes, sautรฉed kale, ricotta cheese 'pudding', white wine, water

Snacks: Going to try to avoid these today, but probably some herbal tea in the evening

Exercise: Around 150 minutes walking, since I need to pop into work, and then the date...

Thank goodness it's the weekend

in reply to Rabbit81

Enjoy your date tonight Rabbit and a drink. You have some good walking to do today. Good food have a fab day. Keep save. ๐Ÿ˜Š

lovefabric profile image
lovefabricMaintainer3lbs in reply to Rabbit81

All of your menu sounds lovely Rabbit81. And lots of walking too. Good luck with the date, how exciting! ๐Ÿ˜

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to Rabbit81

Oooh, have a great date Rabbit ๐Ÿ™‚ I would say have what you fancy and then adjust your amounts tomorrow to protect your weightloss

Reving profile image
Reving2st 7lbs in reply to Rabbit81

Prawn salad my favourite did you make coke tail sauce with it.

lovefabric profile image

I quite agree with the coffee! I love cauliflower cheese too!

I'm posting late because I was undecided what I'd be eating.

So, approximately 1700-1800 kcal:

B: oats with milk, frozen berries and Greek yoghurt, tea

L: white bread muffin, ham, satsuma

D: roast chicken, jacket potato, veg, banana

E: done a 5k

S: tea, coffee, water, it's Friday so some wine

Have a great day everyone๐Ÿ™‚

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to lovefabric

That Breakfast is my kind of thing ๐Ÿ˜‹

lovefabric profile image
lovefabricMaintainer3lbs in reply to Bee-bop

Yes,it's lovely.๐Ÿ™‚

Reving profile image
Reving2st 7lbs in reply to lovefabric

Roast chicken and Jacket and veg sounds good

lovefabric profile image
lovefabricMaintainer3lbs in reply to Reving

It was nice actually, a bit of a change from what I've been eating recently!

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs

Hi everyone,

Hope you are having a good Friday ๐Ÿ™‚

Slimming world plan and wheat and dairy free

Breakfast: veggie sausage, ryetoast, mushrooms, tomatoes, spinach

Lunch: wholegrain rice with tofu and sesame, hippeas snack

Dinner: chinese takeaway with wholegrain rice

Snacks: soya yogurt, fruit, dark chocolate, seeds

Drinks: soya milk, rooibos tea

lovefabric profile image
lovefabricMaintainer3lbs in reply to Bee-bop

That all sounds great!

Bee-bop profile image
Bee-bopMaintainer2st 7lbs in reply to lovefabric

Thanks lovefabric ๐Ÿ™‚

Reving profile image
Reving2st 7lbs

Hello Caroline Well today has been different we have traveled to the highlands of Scotland for a week. I managed beef burger and salad for Lunch but tonight with nothing open but fish and chips thatโ€™s what I had to have. I would have had a fish and mushy peas but we had to eat them in the car an I thought mushy peas might be hard. So Iโ€™ve blown my LCHF today :(

in reply to Reving

Not to worry Reving you can start again when you get home. Enjoy yourselves up there. Bet itโ€™s cold. ๐Ÿ˜Š

BridgeGirl profile image
BridgeGirlAdministrator2 stone

Thanks for hosting, Caroline. They've kept you busy all day :)

Today's Diary is now closing and Saturday's is underway.

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