Hi everyone
Thank you for letting me join. I’ve read a few posts and y’all seem very supportive and friendly 😊
So to tell you a bit about me.... I’m 5’1” and weigh 119 kg 😩 and just turned 50. I have Crohn’s disease of the ileum which is active atm so am still on steroids (got another 5 weeks to go) and have weekly adalimumab injections. I also have rheumatoid arthritis and Fybromyalgia. I have been shielding for the last 4 months so haven’t been able to go out. So not that I’m making excuses but exercise is tricky for me to do and with food I have to be careful as fruit and veg go straight through me 🙄😳😩
So I guess I’m here for some recipe tips and advice on how to lose weight please
Thank you for reading xx