Hello all, I'm 53 and always been a little on the heavy side. Over the last 2-3 years I've been on a downward trajectory, increasingly losing my ability to control my weight. I love long distance walking, but an ongoing back/hip problem (also for 2-3 years) has nixed that, contributing to my weight gain in two ways - losing the exercise and also by notching up the comfort eating when I'm feeling a little sorry for myself.
I've noticed one thing in particular over time - most of my weight loss attempts end after 2-3 weeks despite seeing positive effects: it's weirdly self destructive - as if subliminally I don't actually want to lose weight. Pretty sure I do though!
I don't think ever been a part of an online community for anything and I'm hoping that joining here will help give me some focus and motivation.
I'm really interested to read that so many of you are into low carb and intermittent fasting. I'm also interested in joining a weekly weigh in rather than just making my own records to help me stay motivated -
fingers crossed!