I was weighed on the 1st of October and I was 17st 12 lbs. I was rather mirsable as this is the most I've been.
My boyfriend tried to cheer me up by making this first week into a competition, I did rather well but the past 3 days it got diffcult. Maybe it's because it was longer then a week or maybe the lack of chocolate and sweet food affected my mood and lack of energy.
I've learnt I need to eat 3 meals aday otherwise I crave "quick fixes" which ofcourse are high Calories food.
I have ate chocolate this week but the amount was very limited to what I would and could eat, I haven't done much exercise wise, but that will change this week.
Also my highly addicted GREEN monster (250 kcal) is replaced with a low mango energy drink (10 kcal) I know energy drinks are bad for me but at the moment it's about the weaning off.
My weight this week is
Kahlan 17st 8lbs - 4lbs
Daniel 18st 7lbs - 8lbs
Daniel won this week, but this only makes me more determent.