I have been on here before and I read how well so many of you do at losing weight, which gives me hope. I just don't know where to start. I've tried so many diet plans and pills etc, I never seem able to stick to them. I can't calorie count. I know what I should eat, I think help with portion control would be good. Any help and tips would be greatly appreciated !! I just cannot carry on this way.
help with portion control and how to s... - Weight Loss Support
help with portion control and how to start weight loss

Hi, so I would recommend using my fitness pal, it’s honestly extremely helpful and helped me lose weight and I’m fitter than ever currently. I recommend you should calorie count because that’s the main way to lose weight. You need to calculate how much your body should intake on a daily basis and then subtract anywhere from 250-500 calories and that’s you calorie deficit. Drink lots of water before and after meals, keeps you feeling fuller. Don’t use large plates, because it makes your brain think you need to fit everything on the plate so use small plates! Moderation is key also, eat lots of veggies, lean meat(if you eat meat) and not as many sweets. Use the 80/20 rule which is the eating in moderation. Try to hit your walking goal target(10,000) daily if possible also. Just by walking 1000 steps, you burn 60 calories too! I hope this helps you a bit, it definitely helped me out and now it’s helping my mother who has already lost 5 pounds in a week! Best of wishes to you!... also diet pills do not work trust me. Diets can help but the main thing is a calorie deficit and training your body to take in the amount of calories that were put into a deficit, you will be a little hungry but that’s how weight loss works!
Hi Aliyah, thank you for your reply. I might use My Fitness Pal to support the LCHF plan I want to try.
I also use MyFitnessPal, it isn’t a great app for LCHF. It doesn’t calculate net carbs like Chronometer can (could look into this app).
Keep in mind Calorie counting isn’t for everyone. It was for me, I’ve been maintaining weight still using calorie counting 8 years later, but some find this daunting and too much work. All diets are about creating a calorie deficit, it’s just how you arrive at creating that deficit using what ever tool or method you choose to get there.
The community on MyFitnessPal is amazing. Just seeing success stories, photo transformations can be inspiring and helpful, their ‘friends’ aspect allows you to make one on one friendships (even for life like I have as the connections are priceless) . That said, It’s community platform might help you without calorie counting. Keep in mind this, Weight loss is the first part of your goal, maintaining it is the seconds part. Adopting healthy habits takes time, commitment and consistency. Wishing you the best.
Hello, Aliyah_F and welcome to the forum
Maybe the wisest thing I ever read here was "eating should not require a postgraduate degree".
The problem with the "calorie deficit" message is that it implies all calories are equal, when that just isn't the case - not in how they are absorbed and used in the body. Here's a post you may find interesting healthunlocked.com/lchf-die...
My suggestion would be to eat real food, home cooked, build your meals around veg, add in fish, meat, full fat dairy (rather than the highly processed low fat/light/diet options); have filling, satisfying meals and don't eat between meals.
As for exercise/activity, it makes only a small contribution to weight loss so choose whatever you enjoy and do it regularly.
This forum is a great place for information and support. The best place to start is by joining a weekly weigh in (why not today?) and using the Daily Diary to share your meal and exercise plans. You'll find them both here in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
All the best
hi pixielou, you are in the right place to gets lots of support and advice. I was struggling, with binge eating and calorie counting so started the LCHF plan 12 days ago also with IF. It's working for me, so far, would recommend it. Would suggest you read info on this, there is lots.
Hope all goes well, let me know how you get on.
thank you for your reply. I am going to try LCHF way of eating. Have joined up on that part of the group on health unlocked. Just waiting to hear on how to plan meals and where to begin. Unfortunately, the food I had planned for today is now not ok. I was going to make a cottage pie. The meat part is ok, but I was going to top it with potato and swede. I was going to add carrots and sweetcorn to the mince and onions. Broccoli was my side vegetable !! so confused already!!
All the information about LCHF is on this site, someone advised me to look on FAQ about it which was very good, sorry don’t know how to post links. General advice is to eat when you are hungry, don’t calorie count, as high fat should reduce hunger. I pretty confused at the start as there is such a lot of info available. Maybe stick to your meal plan for today and aim to start LCHF tomorrow, I had to go and buy full fat foods that I have avoided for years. At the end of the day it’s what works for you, sorry couldn’t be any more help.
You're fine with broccoli. You could use your cottage pie filling as a savoury mince with plenty of other veg, if you have them in. The Diet Doctor link I've given you has visuals of carb content of different food groups about 1/3 way down the first page.
It's advised you go very low carb for the first couple of weeks as an induction phase to reset your body's expectations but you can then move gradually to a more moderate low carb approach - again, that page on Diet Doctor shows visual comparisons between different levels of carb in the diet.
Don't get too anxious about it today. You're probably not set up for this way of eating, in terms of what's in your cupboards and fridge, but once you've taken in the main points and can plan your shopping, you'll be away

Hi pixielou Welcome to the forum. I suggest you spend some time following the links you've been sent. Use the web page as opposed to the App.
The best way to use the forum is to participate,I find the Daily Diary a great place for sharing food ideas and getting tips from other members.
The other useful page is the weekly weigh in. Just choose which day you want to weigh in, on. Each week.
Here's the link for today, Sunday's Daily Diary.

Hello and welcome, pixielou
I see you've also found the lchf forum and are exploring that option. For someone who's tried loads of diets, I think that's a great idea. No need for counting calories or anything else.
You've been given a link to the Diet Doctor site dietdoctor.com/low-carb so take your time reading through and exploring. Use the lchf forum for all the backup they can give you, and I hope you'll also get involved here, where you'll find plenty of members using a similar plan.
A good place to start on this forum is by joining a weekly weigh in (why not today?) and using the Daily Diary, where members share their meal plans. You'll find them, and all our forum activities, in Pinned Posts healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh...
Good luck. Do your reading, try things out, ask for help, join in and encourage others - it will all pay off for you

Hello, would you like to join us on the Daily Diary and post your menu for tomorrow and check out what everyone is eating? Here's the link, hope to see you there! x