So it’s mid Feb and I’m at an Ok weight. Since Dec I’ve maintained my weight (lost a pound) but haven’t really done too much on diet. I’ve started swimming, walking a lot (8k average per day) and taken up Aikido. I’m on a mission to loose 12 pounds over coming 2 months to get to 9 stone. Watch this space
Weight loss journey continues! - Weight Loss Support
Weight loss journey continues!

Well done Lighter. You sound like you're in a very good place.
The Aikido sounds pretty impressive.
Cheers Tiggerr! Aikido is fun - just starting out very small steps. my aim was to start the new decade under 10 stone - my “natural” weight is about 9stone so looking forward to getting there too. I think the days of 8.7 stone are a little far away now Hahha. I have been carrying too much weight for a decade and looking forward to being lighter physically (which makes me feel good), smaller physically (which means I have a whole new wardrobe of all my old clothes again), and aiming to be more agile, flexible and strong this year. It makes a massive difference losing the weight - to how I feel about myself and actually it has a knock on impact of making me feel so much more is achievable generally. I also am starting to feel attractive and am happier x 100. To anyone that should read this - keep going, if I can do this honestly anyone can. 😀
Well, I didn't see THAT coming! So it's now June and what a whirlwind the past few months have been. Whilst so far lockdown has been OKish, for the first few weeks I was baking and cooking mad, enjoying a bottle or two of wine a week, which is/was fine for a while, but put on a few pounds and began to feel a bit crappy. Over the past couple of weeks I have stuck back to healthy eating, loads of long walks and a bit of home fitness and back to where I was pre lock down. So my goal is to loose half a stone by the end of the month ish, 2 pounds a week and to focus now on inch / fat loss rather than just weight. I have lost an inch off of each of all the key areas, and am looking at a 3 inch loss across bust, abs, waist, hips over the coming months. Hope all who see this are well and good too. x
I’m now at a stand still weight - I went a bit mad and had a fairly boozy weekend (2 bottles of Prosecco between two of us plus spelt pasta, pesto that day & pizza the next day.) I have to really watch what I eat as these days aka in my mid 40s it just piles on. Until my fitness routine becomes really fixed - I’m a newbie to own your own goals davina and a basic but great exercise app - I really want to watch the kinds of food putting into my body. Basically I try to avoid cheese ( I eat cottage cheese) and all breads, cakes,/sweets, yeast, pasta, junk/ take aways.) I’m allowing myself one cheat day a week to have something naughty but also being moderated. I m starting to see mates again and we have loads to talk about so a glass or two of Prosecco usually comes out! I’m looking to be 9.7 stone by month end and also really focusing on fat /inch loss which is where the cardio/HIIT and general workouts are. Back soon!
I’m now loosing weight far more slowly but the inches are coming off! I don’t think I’m going to make 9st 7 by Tuesday (aka 3 days time) as I’m now 9st 12. But my waistline is now pretty much 30 inches, my hips 38.8” and my bust 35.8” - I’m overall looking to be 34-27-36 so on my way! It is going to be slow but happy with the inch loss as this is real fat loss not just water weight 😀
So I am now weighing 9 stone 9/10, and more importantly I am fitting into clothes I've not been able to for years and years. I am logging food most days, and generally eating healthily, but also allowing myself to just eat some naughties too now and then. Its slowed my weight loss down but feels more realistic and manageable. Ive been exercising a bit at home but am looking forward to getting into the gym to get on machines as am missing them loads - think I may wait a while though to see how it all works out. I cannot WAIT to get into my local pool which is an Olympic pool so is super special. I need to still loose 10-12 pounds still but considering I was over a stone heavier not just last year but pretty much 1/2 to a 1 stone heavier last two to three years am feeling good. I bought new scales that calculate fat % which whilst depressing ha is very useful to guide - its not so much about the numerical weight as fat loss and decreasing fat percentage overall. I am also struggling with cellulite so know massage, skin care, exercise and diet work together. Will post back again another day when down another half inch on waist/ bust/hips xx