Hello All. Am new to the forum. I am a 53 year old Coeliac (that has to stick strictly to a Gluten Free diet) that finds adhering to a second calorie controlled diet (of only gluten free food/drink) really tricky! I have a BMI of 33.4 and need to lose (ideally) 24 lbs by April 2020 (when I have an annual medical with a Dr who has threatened extra health tests if I don't lose the weight - so thats my motivation - to avoid those). I weekly do some racket sports and cycling (3-4 times a week) as exercise but I'm just not losing any weight. So clearly my diet has got to be the issue! Particularly snack food that isn't just and always fruit! Any other Coeliacs out there that need to lose weight with any good suggestions - particularly on the snack food front? Thanks
Losing Weight as a Coeliac?: Hello All... - Weight Loss Support
Losing Weight as a Coeliac?

Hi and welcome, Mach2
If you follow a low carb way of eating, it will be naturally gluten free with no need to count calories. Snacking is to be avoided, as that keeps insulin levels high and prevents fat burning, just stick to fresh food, cooked from scratch for your meals.
Have a look at these and see if they could help you healthunlocked.com/nhsweigh... and phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...
You would also get a lot of information from this forum healthunlocked.com/lchf-diet
Follow this link to our chat thread and a list of all the activities we run. We've found active participation to be key to success, especially with our weigh-ins and Daily Diary.
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Wishing you all the best
+1 to this. If you need to be gluten-free then low-carb high-fat (LCHF) is the obvious choice for you.
Thanks will give the LCHF a go 👍
This will get you started dietdoctor.com/low-carb and moreless has given you the link for the lchf forum, so do make your way over there.
The only other thing is to start using the Daily Diary where you'll find plenty of other low carbers and you can share meal plans

Maybe ask your doctor if can refer you to a dietician for expert diet advice. Available free on nhs especially if you have special health care needs. Good luck.
Thanks for suggestion Slimforsummer but our Drs surgery has just taken on all the patients of another that has closed locally but added no Drs. So you cant get an appointment if you have a heart attack in the surgery car park let alone want a referral to a dietician. I'm going to try the LCHF diet (and am looking for LCHF Gluten Free lunch suggestions? that can be taken to an office) and up the exercise regime and see how I fair with that. If that has no effect then I will go through the pain of attempting (and failing) to see any GP for a referral
This may help dietdoctor.com/low-carb/rec...