Any other fussy eaters? I'm awful with what I eat I'm that bad I've even looked into hypnosis. Any tips, my main problem is the texture it makes dieting really difficult but I'm 33 this year and I cant carry on getting bigger and bigger
Fussy eater: Any other fussy eaters? I'm... - Weight Loss Support
Fussy eater

Hi and welcome, Emmasuzie
We have had other fussy eaters, but most come to realise that to lose the weight, changes have to be made. Maybe you could have a word with your GP and see if they can refer you to a dietitian for assistance?
Food has many different textures, so which items cause the problems and is there a way around it, by cooking things differently, or incorporating foods into other dishes, that would be more palatable?
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Hello Emmasuzie . Not sure what you mean by the texture but are you saying that you miss the satisfaction of chewing decent grub when you diet? The trouble with so much recommended diet food is its joyless lack of substance! If you feel like telling more - do! I'm sure there will be lots of bods on this forum who will guide you in more interesting dietary directions.
Betty x
Puzzled by what you mean when you say you are a fussy eater. Food comes in all sorts of textures, smells and tastes, not forgetting the costs of course! So what is your problem? Are there foods you particularly like/dislike?
I dont like sauce with bits, the only veg I can stomach without having is cauliflower and peas. Cant stomach any fruit.
I think its psychological with me.
I cant even eat a yoghurt with bits in it. I went onto juice plus and it bored me. I just need to find a snack I can have and actually like otherwise I end up have crisps
Hi Emmasuzie. I wanted to reply to you without having to join this group as I'm not trying to lose weight, but trying to gain just a little as in recovery still from a coma in Jan 2018. However I couldn't reply to you, so joined. I'm an extremely fussy eater always have been to some extent, but did eat slightly better as a child with fish fingers, stew, homemade rice pudding, satsumas and golden delicious apples, Shepard's pie, cheese on toast, beans on toast, beans with cheese, peas, carrots, mashed potato, Ritz crackers, Jacob's crackers, custard creams, jacket potatoes with middle scooped out that mashed smooth with cheese mashed in then readded to potato skin shells and put under grill to reheat, melt in the mashed cheese better into potato and make top go crispy and golden brown. Pancakes, potato waffles, hotdogs skinny proper sausages,spaghetti shapes, tomato soup, Weetabix. Then in my late20's developed a liking for lasagna, margarita thin based pizza, and kebab in extremely thin slices with heinz ketchup, but had stopped long long ago eating most of those foods mentioned before my late 20's apart from mash, beans, cheese on toast. Beans must be with Cheshire or Gouda cheese, jacket mashed potatoes, skinny proper sausages, chicken only very top of breast, golden delicious apples & pancakes, but have now gone off the pizza, lasagna and other foods. Now will only eat a certain type of m&s pasta cooked so floppy then covered in heinz ketchup as don't like any other sauces at all then Gouda cheese strips stirred in and microwaved to melt, beans with cheese, chicken top of breast when warm must be extra tasty, heinz beans & cheese mashed up, fat not skinny chips, walkers salt n vinger crisps, golden delicious apples and cadburys choc, Terry's milk choc orange, pure orange juice no bits and coca cola. But mostly live solely off beans & cheese because my fussy eating is so severe, people see it as a problem there label it is an eating disorder I don't know the letters an eating disorder it is pussy eating and some people just are fussy eaters genetically predisposed. my birth mother was a fussy eater and my sister is a fussy eater my younger brother is a pussy there are so many fussy eaters in my birth family so it is definitely hereditary but also stems from being force fed as a baby by my birth mother who used to push it into my face as a baby if I wouldn't eat my baby food, I was taken away from my birth parents and later adopted, but I have real issue with the texture of foods in my mouth. I only found out in my 30s about my birth mother having force-fed me pushing it into my mouth and that explain them up to me about my my fussy eating and not liking certain textures. I always love the smell of food apart from fish and I always think food looks delicious but as soon as I get food in my mouth apart from the food that I will eat it doesn't feel or taste right, actually makes me very unwell. And it's really strange because I really don't eat very much other than heinz baked beans with Gouda or Cheshire cheese, get whenever I have blood test I'm never lacking any minerals or vitamins and the doctor's GPS are aware of me being an extremely fussy eater. It's very odd. I don't drink milk tea or coffee but will drink water and pure orange juice along with but not at the same time obviously Coca-Cola. For me I know my fussy eating will kill me but I cannot change it it at all and it's not that I don't like the look of food or the smell of food it is down to texture in my mouth. I did really like lasagna but they are loaded with so much garlic and garlic makes me feel very unwell plus lasagna looks like mixed up together cat meat food. I have considered many years about seeing a hypnotherapist, but not sure I could ever trust anybody enough to hand over the reins of my mind for them to potentially control, intercept and interfere with. As underHypnosis I've seen what people are capable of doing without being aware of it. I don't want anybody messing with my mind memories or making me do things that are embarrassing, but I do believe hypnosis would help, so if it didn't there is no other way as I have gone on 45 years with very limited diet and it is very restrictive. I have ended up in the past not eating anything at all all for over 24-hours to 48 hours because I'm somewhere where there is not one single thing I will eat. I'm not anorexic I'm not bulimic I'm not anything like that I don't I wish to be skinny I don't wish to be fatter as in fat overweight I don't make myself sick I don't deliberately starved myself I am just a fussy eater and genetically predisposed to it along with what happened with my birth mother when I was a baby didn't help at all although I was already predisposed to being a very fussy eater. So you do not seem to be as much of a fussy eaters I am at least you have vegetables in your diet.
Have you asked your doctor about counselling?. There are other options besides hypnosis. It sounds as if you may need urgent help from a psychotherapist, who would provide help while you are fully conscious & talking. I don’t think you can inherit tastes for food or textures, but it’s more likely a social conditioning thing, and the fact that all your family experience it, has become normal for you and you believe you are stuck with it.
A couple of thoughts - if you made your lasagne yourself, you could choose not to put garlic in. It sounds as if you do no home cooking yourself. As long as you eat nothing but processed food you will be overweight & unhealthy.
Can you tolerate a smoothie. Not the ones from the supermarkets as they are loaded with sugar but homemade one? I could suggest a healthy recipe.
Give up the Coca Cola.