It's two weeks today since I had my 'epiphany' and decided that enough is enough and no-one is going to change things except me. I've cut out all snacks and only eat apples or have a glass of water if I'm feeling really famished. I've been monitoring my portion sizes and switched to wholemeal pasta and rice as I reckon eating a fibre rich diet prevents you from feeling so hungry. So lots of fruit, salad, pulses as well as wholewheat carbs seem to be doing the trick, as I've lost just over 5lbs. More importantly, I have a lot more energy and don't feel wretched when I wake up regretting bad food choices from the day before. I'm filling in the food diary daily and making sure I walk every day and get my heart rate up (have just done an hour's Nordic walking, too). I anticipate having the odd lapse but at present my resolve is strong. Plus posting on here is definitely a motivator.
Have a good weekend everyone!