Blurgh! Had to break my diet again today! - Weight Loss Support

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Blurgh! Had to break my diet again today!

CrimsonMama profile image
11 Replies

I willingly broke my diet last week for my birthday plus school holidays and days off work! Enjoyed it but was happy to get back on my diet and been good all week but today was my brother-in-law's surprise birthday party! And my dad, who I rarely see, brought me an Easter egg too!

So I have had a burger, onion rings, chips, one Jack Daniel and coke (very nice!) Too much chocolate AND a slice of birthday cake! Which I didn't even enjoy all that much!

I'm hoping it won't have set me too far back! But I feel icky and missed not having my usual scheduled food!

For exercise today I have done 120 mins walking and 15 mins aerobics!

I really really want to get back to normal and back to weight loss!

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CrimsonMama profile image
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11 Replies
Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone

Well it was a nice day with your family, you can get back on it tomorrow ! :-) x

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to Lytham

I certainly am! Starting with a 50 minute run in the morning! I wouldn't have minded if it wasn't so close to already breaking it. And I really really want to hurry up and lose three pounds so I can celebrate moving into the 'overweight' category instead of obese!!

Lytham profile image
Lytham3 stone in reply to CrimsonMama

Awe youll get there soon, dont forget to let us know when you do ! :-) x

Juppy profile image

Oh! I’ve just joined for exactly this reason... a support group to get me back on track when the (inevitable) bad day happens. So I don’t have all the wisdom of other posters, but am listening and supporting you! I read on another post that the best thing to do is just let it go out of your mind and get right on your plan the next day (not trying to “make up” for it by denying yourself calories or overdoing exercise, which can make you crave more). I always have a problem that sugar makes me crave more sugar/carbs, so if I overindulge one day the next day is harder and takes a lot of discipline to stay on track. So at least I’m learning not to make it even harder by depriving myself of my normal healthy calorie level. I also find over-exercise makes me ravenous, so I have to pay attention not to overdo that either! In the long run the extra calories aren’t going to make much impact if you get back on track right away, and probably already your exercise today has burned off some of that. Best wishes for getting on track tomorrow and I’m looking forward to seeing your post!

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to Juppy

Thank you! Very wise and kind words! And welcome. Hopefully will see more of you around here! Lytham has a Summer Challenge going on you might like to join? Is a great way of encouraging you to stay on track and also get to know others around here!

I don't think I would have stuck to my diet and exercise plan as long as I have if it wasn't for this forum!

And yes your right ... After my 'extra treats' last week I did cut calories a little more in the week and made it so much harder to say no to the biscuits at work! (I did have one! And I never usually do!).

But I think the next few weeks are all clear of any "special" occasions! So should be back on track!

Juppy profile image
Juppy in reply to CrimsonMama

Thanks and I’m going to use that as inspiration next time I overeat! Yes, I’ve joined the Summer challenge and my goal is to plan my meals every day, plus close my “exercise rings” on my Apple app. I find that planning really helps so the challenge to do that every day will hopefully result in staying more on track and losing more weight.

CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to Juppy

I love planning! Everyday I get a piece of paper and make three columns. First column is my food plan for the next day. Which I also use the Fitbit app to log the calories of. Second column is my planned exercise which I can tick off. Such as 15 mins aerobics (usually do 7am) a 40 min run or walk (after work time) and then maybe aerobics or treadmill in the evening. But I'm trying to fit in more study time as part of my summer challenge (more work life balance!) And the third column is my to do list. Like wash the car, hang the washing out, sweep etc. If I don't complete one ie wash the car - I will move it to the next days list until I get it done (weekend most likely).

I stick it on my kitchen cupboard! No missing it there!

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024

You are not alone,I'm celebrating my football team gaining promotion .

Just having a few beers ,don't normally drink ,but I'm having a few .

I will be back in track tomorrow.

Need a blow out now and again.


CrimsonMama profile image
CrimsonMama in reply to gman1961

Now and again yes but one weekend and then the next one as well? Not good! But as you say... Back on it tomorrow!

Hope you enjoy those beers! Lol

gman1961 profile image
gman1961Restart April 2024 in reply to CrimsonMama

Sometimes things happen , you will get back on track. We all need a blow out now and then.

Yes those beers are nice .

Good luck


Busybeelady profile image

I wouldn't beat yourself up about it, you enjoyed your time with your dad,

Just drawer a line under it, and get back on it, 😊

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