Hi I have been to the doctors this morning my GP is not concerned to much with my size but has decided to send me for some blood tests as she thinks I may have a thyroid problem or maybe pre diabetic any advice on what changes to my diet would be a great help just in case I am diabetic Gail
Diet and blood tests: Hi I have been to... - Weight Loss Support
Diet and blood tests

Have a read of this, Gail phcuk.org/wp-content/upload...
I have read this before but thanks for your support I feel a lot less anxious about my weight Gail
What changes have you made so far? Are you following the advice in that report? That would be your best option
Yes I am going to cut my carbs down and replace them with meat Quorn and get veg that I know with IBS I can eat that do not upset my stomach Gail
You'll see in that report that along with cutting carbs you need to increase healthy fats. While you're making changes, why not join the Daily Diary? Once you've decided on you meals for tomorrow, go to the Daily Diary that will be posted this evening and log it on there, see what other people are planning and I'm sure you'll get some helpful comments
Thanks for that at moment I am struggling to eat main meals I am having to use meal replacement shakes to help with my food as food is a real issue need also to wait for my blood results next week as I may have to change more of my foods after this Gail
Gail, you've posted here asking for advice about your diet, today and at other times. If you're not ready to make the move to food, I think you're going to find it a bit frustrating as that's the advice you're going to keep getting, to eat fresh food, to avoid processed foods and "low cal", "low fat" and diet foods, to reduce carbohydrates and build in healthy fats. That's the way to go, whatever your blood results show
I had a blood test this morning and I was terrified but I survived it!